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Umarex P.08 Luger

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:14 am
by Mexican Kerry
Not really a gun but its a Luger so what the Hell.

Went to Cabela's today to buy my brother in law a filleting knife for his birthday, also bought this BB gun. I've always been interested in the old Luger, never owned a real one. But I've bought every replica, cap gun, water pistol etc that I've ever seen.

Got a weird fixation on em, but I've never bitten the bullet for a real one.


Bought two spare mags to go with it (pistol was 180 plus the mags were 50 bucks apiece, I'm starting to think I should have just shelled out for a real one) and hit the range in my garage.


The mags hold 20 BB's and a 12g CO2 cartridge. First issue was that the mag/release interface is cheap. If you want to seat the mag you have to lock the toggle link open and press the release button in to engage. If you don't it sort of catches but with the first shot the mag drops free of the frame. Nothing says rookie like a mag falling out of your pistol when you don't want it to. Luckily my dogs were the only witnesses, but the look in their eyes said "Shake my head."

Down side of this is you need an empty mag to lock it open. No provision for locking the toggle back manually. Upside is that this is a blowback model, the link snaps open with every shot. Not very efficient use of the CO2, but a damn close approximation of 9mm recoil!

Moving forward to the testing. I put up a piece of paper on foam backing and set myself up 28 ft back from it. Fresh gas cartridge and a mag full of Daisy's finest projectiles. Sight picture is primitive, a thin blade front sight in a wide V. A firm two handed hold with careful aiming @ 6 o' clock yielded a 5" pattern on the target.


Disappointing but not surprising for a cheap gas pistol shooting low quality BB's. Subsequent mags gave similar results, and the pistol itself is troublesome. Apparently works best if you fire to toggle lock (yes it locks open on empty mag) and you have to "chamber" a round with a fresh mag. Even still, it sometimes won't feed a BB into the chamber and your first shot ends up being nothing but air.


After a few tests, it seems a cartridge is good for roughly 2 1/2 mags before its too spent to cycle the action and feed another BB. One of the mags is iffy, it seals but when you take the first shot it expels all the CO2 and the cartridge is empty.

Cool looking pistola, it has lots of moving parts but all in all a piece of shit. When it works it works well, BB's were smacking a metal pail with authority and ricocheting across the shop. When it malfunctions, its aggravating as Hell.

Avoid this air gun, buy a Crosman Mark I if you want a "Luger" pea shooter.


I'm buying a real Luger now. Will update when it happens.