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Project Appleseed Instructor KD Shoot at Camp Atterbury

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:14 pm
by Unbridled Liberty
Project Appleseed Instructors are usually ridden hard and put up wet. But every once in a while they let us out into the north pasture where the grass is lush and sweet. Last weekend was one of those sweet times. A mixture of Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Michigan Appleseed Instructors got together Saturday and Sunday near Edinburg, IN at Camp Atterbury Joint Maneuver Training Center for a weekend of Instructor Known Distance marksmanship. Free .223 ammo was generously supplied by Wolf Performance Ammunition.

It was a somewhat surreal atmosphere; there was a drone orbiting all day Saturday and an A-10 doing strafing runs and firing its cannon. There was the usual heavy weapons banging away a few ranges over and smoke from a brush fire wafting across the range. And then on Sunday a C-130 landed, picked up paratroopers and dropped them on the range behind us. Interesting to say the least.

Link to the After Action Report with lots of pictures:

I am the one with the epic beard. I was shooting a rack grade DPMS Panther Lite 16 with an EoTech 512. I learned a lot about wind, got good dope and shot two Rifleman scores. Yes, a plain carbine with a dot sight and steel case Wolf ammo is very effective at putting rounds on a man-sized target at 400 and even 500 yards. A very productive and fun weekend. Anyway, I thought y'all would appreciate the pictures.

I've also got a short video selfie on our Facebook page: