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If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:51 pm
by Dave1965
From a post someone shared on my FB:

Cynthia Lee Myers Wanted to share the truth of what happened over in Libya, you will not find this in the media yet but it airs tonight on FNC.....please read....

"Here is my story. A week out the Embassy in Tripoli began receiving multiple tips about an Al Queda cell in the area planning an attack on 9/11 in response to the killing of Bin Laden. For the next several days,the state dept and WH were asked for a security force and were denied at least six times. Amb. Stevens and his team were given the all clear that The Consulate in Benghazi was safe and there was no need for a security force other than his 3 personal guards(One being my cousin) and a few Libyans who were not armed.

Then the attack and murders occurred. Immediately the WH claimed it was a protest gone bad over a you tube video.Obama made a quick speech in the Rose Garden on Sept.12 before catching a plane to Vegas to campaign. He made a generic statement at the end of his speech after placing the blame on an overheated protest over the video.He said "No act of terror will shake the resolve of America.Later that day and over the next 2 days,the liberal media began saying Amb. Stevens and the other 3 men died of smoke inhalation. This was not the case. Out of respect for my cousin,Im not going to be specific about his murder.However Amb. Stevens was brutally murdered.His genitals were cut off,he was sodomized and beaten and cut and stabbed and burned.He was drug thru the streets and left for dead.This is eyewitness testimony of a local Dr. who found the Amb. in a ditch and tried to save his life. He had no idea who he was.

The other 3 men,including my cousin,met similar fates.And deaths due to smoke inhalation is a 100% fabricated LIE.The next week I drove my aunt and Uncle and 2 others to DC to receive his body. We met with Hillary, Panetta, and Susan Rice.ALL of whom apologized and said it was a protest gone bad over a video and exited the area. Next Obama entered with the same story and didn't apologize and wasn't sympathetic.My aunt cried to this man and all he did was hand her flowers and walk away.I tried to get his attention,but didn't. I got upset and yelled liar to him,he kept walking.Then a secret svc agent grabbed my arm and led my to a room where I was held til the proceedings were over.

America, I saw first hand how cold this man is. What kind of liar he is. Most of you haven't a clue about this tyrant and yet you support him.And act like every word he says is Gospel. These murders and the fast and furious cover ups make water gate look like,a kid who told his bff's secret to the class. We must stop this man,and please pass this story along if u want to save America."

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:42 pm
by JustShootIt
Listening to Rush and he's discussing some of this...

Supposedly there was a drone in the area that videoed this fight while it unfolded.

Also they are claiming this was a 7+ hour was within an hour away and the "White House" knew this was unfolding in real time.......

Again, I am just repeating what i'm hearing on the link to verify source

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:19 pm
by kyswede
I USED to trust my government and believe everything they said. Then JFK was assassinated. I was 11 years old at the time. When the Warren Commision report came out, I realized I had been lied to and that trust was broken forever.

If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:28 pm
by jackalo626
There would be a lot of dust and no survivors in the shithole countries that commit these types of crimes against us. The old saying would be tweaked a bit if I was President from "walk quietly and carry a big stick" to simply "America, we don't fuck around".

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:34 pm
by kyswede
Jack for President !!!!!!!

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:46 pm
by WLJ
Has Obama called any attack a "Terrorist" attack?
Seems like it at times he just can't bring himself to do so, like it would violate his values or something.

Either way, get the worthless SOB out of office

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:52 pm
by Wyldman
He doesn't call anything a terrorist attack for fear of offending his muslim brothers. His day is coming, & I pray to God that I am here to see him get what he has coming. There should be a room at Gitmo with his name on it.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:55 pm
by ChopperDoc
I think he is not calling it a terrorist attack because it could hurt his election. Nothing more. It is not too complicated. An attack now will overshadow his "fact" that we have been safe under his watch and we were not under the "previous admin" who he loves to blame.

he has told us that the terrorists are on their heels. If the sheep know the truth they are less inclined to vote for him unless Romney really steps on his schwantz.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:58 pm
by WLJ
Wyldman wrote:He doesn't call anything a terrorist attack for fear of offending his muslim brothers. His day is coming, & I pray to God that I am here to see him get what he has coming. There should be a room at Gitmo with his name on it.
Actually I think he won't label any attack a "terrorist" attack cause he wants to claim that not one "terrorist" attack occurred during his watch, because he's that good. :roll:

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:29 pm
by Dave1965
One squad of well-armed marines would have made a helluva difference in this situation. You can't tell me they couldn't have been helo'ed in from off one of our vessels nearby and protected the embassy. This account and knowledge just makes me sick to my stomach.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:45 pm
by Kadnine
Saw a recruiter about putting the uniform on again, after this administration's weak response to the murders in Benghazi. I'm a Marine. Marines guard the embassies. We don't take kindly to being overrun.

But I was politely told they can't use a combat veteran who speaks Arabic. Health reasons. Damn. I once shook Ambassador Stevens' hand in California. I was already angry... but the more details come out about just HOW weak our response has been to this atrocity...

- Keith

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:04 pm
by EH91KY
Doesn't make me mad at all actually.

It's all assumption. For all we know the man did die of smoke inhalation. I find it more rational to believe that the man died of smoke inhalation and was then mutilated for public example than to believe that the man was tortured to the level mentioned and lived, a Dr. tried to save him (putting his own life at risk), people then found this Dr and took his statement, then on top of all that the government fabricates a lie.

Now I myself am assuming. Let's say the story is actually as the man's cousin tells it. When a doctor prescribes me medicine even though he himself could get sick, I'm thankful but if he gets what I had it's part of his job. I'm thankful for the roads that take me where I need to go and while I feel bad when I see construction workers in 100 degree heat on black top next to terrible drivers, It's really part of their job. I never like to hear about soldiers being killed, but at the end of the day it's part of their job. They chose to become a soldier, they chose to take risks, they knew what could happen. Am I Thankful for soldiers, yes. Am I deeply saddened and in shock when bad things happen to them, no.

Some of you are probably judging me, that's ok. I have 2 cousins in the Marines, I have a flag from my grandpa's casket next to my bed, and I have many friends in the military. I support all of them, but I don't put them on a pedestal.

"Wars" which I say loosely, because we are not actually in "War", is when soldiers fight for the government. Revolution is when people fight for the people. Whatever you choose to say we are in, we are not in a revolution. These soldiers are not fighting for me. If the enemy would like to come to the United States, then I would gladly pick up my gun and protect our country.

A bit side tracked. Let's get back to Obama. If my cousin was the man who was tortured I would not like to find out about some soldier who got his nuts cut off then later find out it was my cousin. I would much rather hear about a soldier who died of smoke inhalation then find out the truth. I think that would be respectful. I had a great friend commit suicide a few months ago. If you ask me what happened I would tell you he committed suicide and that would be all. It's the truth, but it's different than saying he put a gun to his chin, blew his face off, and was then found barely alive by a man with his young kids. If I say he committed suicide, that's the truth. If I say he shot himself that's the truth. If I say he died of blood loss and trauma to the head, that is true. So maybe smoke inhalation was the truth, but not all of it.

Why is this man speaking out. Maybe he is offended Obama didn't tell the whole truth. Maybe he is mad that Obama sent his cousin there. Maybe he is just mad.

It's all assumption.

I know a girl from Libya that I go to school with who thinks very highly of her country and family who still live there. She has said on more than one account that she wants to go back at least to visit. Even she says that Libyans do not hate American and most are greatful for the support from America during their revolution. She also said that the majority of people are against the group of extremist who have been attacking soldiers. I can choose to believe her or not to. She has nothing to gain by lying to me.

Also from my Interaction with people from the Middle east, Obama has greatly helped our circumstances with them. It's not about what he is doing. Everyone told me that 2 words changed everything. As-Salaamu 'Alaykum (May peace be upon you) Which Obama said in a speech.

It's easy to point the finger. I don't like Obama or Romney, I do dislike one more than the other however. is Obama to blame for this? Nope, not in my opinion. If a police officer gets killed in the line of duty, I dont blame the Police Department.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:44 am
by Tyler
EH91KY, there's a lot I'd like to respond to, but most important is the fact that you think it's a part of a soldier's job to die and when they do they're not fighting for you. WTF do we do it for? We sign up to play with guns and someday die? If an American takes a combat MOS in order to engage those who would see our nation and the best example of liberty in the world destroyed, is it not done for you and everyone else who ho-hums about what a war is and why it is fought?

If you're not saddened by the death of an American soldier, sailor, airman or Marine putting his life on the line, you're no better than the greedy politicians and power brokers who take advantage of those lost lives.

If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:12 am
by justang1997
There is video of the ambassador being drug out of the embassy alive by a large group of people. Next we know he is mutilated in a ditch. You can choose to believe what you want but saying you don't want to hear the gory details sounds a lot like those who said we should take the images of the planes hitting the towers off the news.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:40 am
by Dave1965
Choose to know and brave the truth or bury your head in the sand.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:46 am
by WLJ
Can you imagine the spin if the 9-11-01 attacks occurred during Obama's watch?

4 planes crashed today due to interference with the proper operation of airliners by passengers. "No signs of terrorism has been detected and we're currently looking into reports that it was a video being shown on the flights that cause passengers to spontaneously attack the flight crews" the President said from The View interrupting the in depth discussion on how great it is that all women, and some men, want to lick his balls. The President also said that "While there was great lost of life we must not forget that we caused this and vow to never do again what we did to angered these passengers". With that and the world safe once again from terrorism the President then left to discuss his sexiness with David Letterman

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:56 am
by WLJ
EH91KY wrote:Doesn't make me mad at all actually.

It's all assumption. For all we know the man did die of smoke inhalation. I find it more rational to believe that the man died of smoke inhalation and was then mutilated for public example than to believe that the man was tortured to the level mentioned and lived, a Dr. tried to save him (putting his own life at risk), people then found this Dr and took his statement, then on top of all that the government fabricates a lie.
Okay, lets say he died from smoke inhalation, so what? It's still murder.

If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:57 am
by justang1997

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:40 am
by Kadnine

It's not our "job" to die. Our "job" is to win. And yes, we ARE at war, a real war, a war fought on your behalf. The quadruple-murder in Benghazi was the first successful foreign terrorist attack on sovereign US soil since 9/11... on the 11th ANNIVERSARY of 9/11! The next attack could be on you. No need to thank us, though. That's just part of the "job."

You know a girl from Libya? Taught you 2 words in Arabic? I've spoken with THOUSANDS of people across the greater Mid-East, including Libya... in Arabic! I don't need a lecture on how "most people" over there don't hate us. "Most people" over there are not the ones in charge, sir. The ones in charge are nothing short of monsters, sir. I've seen it. They've managed to carve out a little chunk of the world where their whim is law, and death means nothing. It's one giant circus of misery for "most people" and you haven't the first clue. That Libyan girl pities you. She immediately saw how little you understood about what goes on over there in that playground of death, and started with the most meaningless of basic niceties. As-Salaamu 'Alaykum is small talk, sir. It means, "Nice weather, huh?"

Every so often, here in the US, a criminal rape/torture dungeon is discovered and someone calls the police. Over there? The police run the rape rooms. And it's "most people" who suffer the worst.

Over here you're entitled to your own opinion of course... and for that? You're welcome, sir.

Now, here's this post in Arabic. Get your friend from Libya to check my grammar. Better yet? Ask her if I'm wrong about the ones in charge of that simulacrum of Hell.



انها ليست لدينا "وظيفة" للموت. لدينا "وظيفة" هو الفوز.
نحن في حالة حرب حقيقية، خاض نيابة عنك.
كان اغتيال أربعة أضعاف في بنغازي أول هجوم إرهابي على الأراضي الأمريكية الخارجية السيادية منذ 9/11 ...
في الذكرى 9/11!
يمكن أن يكون الهجوم القادم على لك.
"لا حاجة لنا أن نشكر. هذا مجرد جزء من "وظيفة

تعرف على فتاة من ليبيا؟ تدرس لك 2 الكلمات في اللغة العربية؟
!لقد تحدثت مع الآلاف من الناس في جميع أنحاء الشرق الأوسط أكبر، وليبيا ... باللغة العربية
لا حاجة لي محاضرة عن كيفية "معظم الناس" هناك لا يكرهوننا. "معظم الناس" هناك ليست هي المسؤولة، يا سيدي
.ملوك وحوش، يا سيدي. رأيت ذلك
.رغبة منهم هو القانون، والموت لا يعني شيئا
.أنت لا تفهم. أن الفتاة الليبية الرحمات لك. فهمت كم هو قليل كنت فهمت عن الشرق الأوسط، وملعب الموت، وكانت تدرس كنت جماليات الأساسية
"فمن الحديث الصغيرة، يا سيدي. فإنه يترجم "الطقس جميل، أليس كذلك؟
.في الشرق الأوسط؟ الشرطة تشغيل غرف الاغتصاب. و"معظم الناس" الذين يعانون أسوأ

- Keith

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:54 am
by kyswede
I thought it was a soldier's job to make the enemy die for his country.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:59 am
by Kadnine
kyswede wrote:I thought it was a soldier's job to make the enemy die for his country.
^ Exactamundo.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:24 pm
by EH91KY
Kadnine wrote:EH91KY?

It's not our "job" to die. Our "job" is to win. And yes, we ARE at war, a real war, a war fought on your behalf. The quadruple-murder in Benghazi was the first successful foreign terrorist attack on sovereign US soil since 9/11... on the 11th ANNIVERSARY of 9/11! The next attack could be on you. No need to thank us, though. That's just part of the "job."

You know a girl from Libya? Taught you 2 words in Arabic? I've spoken with THOUSANDS of people across the greater Mid-East, including Libya... in Arabic! I don't need a lecture on how "most people" over there don't hate us. "Most people" over there are not the ones in charge, sir. The ones in charge are nothing short of monsters, sir. I've seen it. They've managed to carve out a little chunk of the world where their whim is law, and death means nothing. It's one giant circus of misery for "most people" and you haven't the first clue. That Libyan girl pities you. She immediately saw how little you understood about what goes on over there in that playground of death, and started with the most meaningless of basic niceties. As-Salaamu 'Alaykum is small talk, sir. It means, "Nice weather, huh?"

Every so often, here in the US, a criminal rape/torture dungeon is discovered and someone calls the police. Over there? The police run the rape rooms. And it's "most people" who suffer the worst.

Over here you're entitled to your own opinion of course... and for that? You're welcome, sir.
Your job to win. Win what? What does America gain for trying to end the chaos in Libya?

You are not in a war. The United States did not Declare war and has not since WWII. You are following orders of Congress.

I'm welcome? The Military sure stopped those planes on 9/11, didnt they. There is absolutely nothing stopping any one who comes to the United States then obtaining a weapon and killing. It's not hard to get a gun. You can go buy a machete at walmart. You can get gas and a lighter at the gas station. You can get in a car and drive by a college or school and probably take out dozen people. I feel real safe! Fantasy land.

You are illiterate or incompetent. I did not say the girl I know taught me 2 words in Arabic. I said Obama said 2 words in Arabic. For the record I'm currently studying the Arabic language. Sorry to inform you, but you are incorrect once again. As-Salaamu 'Alaykum does not mean Nice weather. If you would like to Argue with my teacher who is from Jordan and is a translator then be my guest. A simple google search will prove you wrong

You fought in the American Revolution? That's awesome man! Thanks. Oh that's right, you didnt. I am entitled to my own opinion and would be win or lose in the Middle East.

Tyler wrote:EH91KY, there's a lot I'd like to respond to, but most important is the fact that you think it's a part of a soldier's job to die and when they do they're not fighting for you. WTF do we do it for? We sign up to play with guns and someday die? If an American takes a combat MOS in order to engage those who would see our nation and the best example of liberty in the world destroyed, is it not done for you and everyone else who ho-hums about what a war is and why it is fought?

If you're not saddened by the death of an American soldier, sailor, airman or Marine putting his life on the line, you're no better than the greedy politicians and power brokers who take advantage of those lost lives.

It's not a soldiers job to die. It's a possibility of the occupation. You can't expect to go into war and expect not to get injured, if you do you're ignorant. You're not fighting for me, plan and simple. The events that are occurring in Libya do not affect me. The United States chose to interfere. I don't need anyone to fight my battles.

Cousin Michael in the Marines - Couldn't keep any job he had. He went to the marines to make a living. Helping people was an afterthought

Cousin Cody in the Marines - Started hanging out with the nerdy kids in school. Most of those kids went into ROTC and he followed.

Friend Zach did multiple tours and was medically discharged after being hit with an IED- Said he only went into the army for the rush and action.

Friend Justin went into the Navy Seals to prove to himself that he could. Was later medically discharged.

Grandpa, Uncles - All said it was a job and they were hiring.

Not one single person I know joined the Military to protect America first and foremost. If you did, congratulations. That means you support America and in America we are entitles to our own opinion and have the ability to say it.
justang1997 wrote:There is video of the ambassador being drug out of the embassy alive by a large group of people. Next we know he is mutilated in a ditch. You can choose to believe what you want but saying you don't want to hear the gory details sounds a lot like those who said we should take the images of the planes hitting the towers off the news.
I prefer to hear the truth, but how would you like it if you were mutilated and your name and face were every where on the news along with the details. Now imagine you have a young son or daughter and he finds out all about this. Do you think that's the proper way to find out or would you rather that the child's mother tells him/her in a different way.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:28 pm
by WLJ
EH91KY wrote:
You are not in a war.
Maybe you should tell the other side that.

A war by any other name is still a war.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:31 pm
by EH91KY
WLJ wrote:
EH91KY wrote:
You are not in a war.
Maybe you should tell the other side that.

A war by any other name is still a war.
This is true. Thats why in my first post I basically called it a war, but for the fellow who seems to be putting himself on the pedestal and pretending he knows exactly what he is talking about should know the difference.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:38 pm
by EH91KY

انها ليست لدينا "وظيفة" للموت. لدينا "وظيفة" هو الفوز.
نحن في حالة حرب حقيقية، خاض نيابة عنك.
كان اغتيال أربعة أضعاف في بنغازي أول هجوم إرهابي على الأراضي الأمريكية الخارجية السيادية منذ 9/11 ...
في الذكرى 9/11!
يمكن أن يكون الهجوم القادم على لك.
"لا حاجة لنا أن نشكر. هذا مجرد جزء من "وظيفة

تعرف على فتاة من ليبيا؟ تدرس لك 2 الكلمات في اللغة العربية؟
!لقد تحدثت مع الآلاف من الناس في جميع أنحاء الشرق الأوسط أكبر، وليبيا ... باللغة العربية
لا حاجة لي محاضرة عن كيفية "معظم الناس" هناك لا يكرهوننا. "معظم الناس" هناك ليست هي المسؤولة، يا سيدي
.ملوك وحوش، يا سيدي. رأيت ذلك
.رغبة منهم هو القانون، والموت لا يعني شيئا
.أنت لا تفهم. أن الفتاة الليبية الرحمات لك. فهمت كم هو قليل كنت فهمت عن الشرق الأوسط، وملعب الموت، وكانت تدرس كنت جماليات الأساسية
"فمن الحديث الصغيرة، يا سيدي. فإنه يترجم "الطقس جميل، أليس كذلك؟
.في الشرق الأوسط؟ الشرطة تشغيل غرف الاغتصاب. و"معظم الناس" الذين يعانون أسوأ

- Keith
I'd also like to point out that if you did indeed know what you were talking about you would not have put a question mark after my name. In Arabic you read and write from right to left. Unfortunately whatever translator you used did not recognize my name EH91KY and put the question mark on the right side instead of the left. I should also point out that Arabic numbers look nothing like ours and are pronounced nothing like ours.

Nice try though boy