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Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:40 pm
by Rem700
Butt hurt imminent!

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:45 pm
by JustShootIt

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:46 pm
by EH91KY
Wont be from me. I don't really care if people dont like my opinions. Just don't much care for when people take my words out of context or try to say I'm lying.

If someone doesn't like what I have to say that's cool. It's an opinion

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:47 pm
by WLJ

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:50 pm
by EH91KY
" onclick=";return false;

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:53 pm
by JustShootIt
We all are entitled to our own opinions.....we should remember why those rights exist.

I just don't think it's cool to go out of the way to talk down to those who serve etc....

This is a pretty tight knit community and it's hard to not take those things personal....perhaps I expected a little more respect thats all.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:15 pm
by EH91KY
JustShootIt wrote:We all are entitled to our own opinions.....we should remember why those rights exist.

I just don't think it's cool to go out of the way to talk down to those who serve etc....

This is a pretty tight knit community and it's hard to not take those things personal....perhaps I expected a little more respect thats all.
Thank you for talking to me in this manner rather than just going on a tangent. I respect that. I'm not trying to degrade soldiers in any sort of fashion. I am thankful that we have our military for support.

All I am saying is that people die everyday. I don't wish death upon anyone I do not know, but it's hard for me to become upset when I have no relationship with them. It's terrible when soldiers die, but I wont lie to you and tell you that I lose sleep over it. If you guys want the truth, that's the truth. When you see a random face in the obituaries, you don't become sad...but you're not happy they died either.

I'm also pointing out that there are expectations and risks with any job. When soldiers enter a combat zone, there is a strong possibility they could get shot. If they are taken hostage there is a possibility they will be tortured. Why act surprised when it happens when we all know it could have happened.

I did not mean for this to turn into an argument about soldiers and their roles. The original post seemed to be more about Obama. While I dont like Obama, he did not make the man become a soldier. The man became a soldier on his own free will and hopefully knew the risks. Obama did not mutilate the man, other people did. Obama simply lied if there is video footage that is evident, but even that could have been done out of respect. As I mentioned before. If the man had children, image what they would have thought. We will never know if the man was really lied to his face. I'm not inclined to believe either. If you support America, you support the president whether you like him or not.

I dont find these statements offensive. The soldiers death is terrible, I wouldn't wish it upon anyone in my family, but It's way more of a "that's awful thought" than "Cry myself to sleep" being I didnt know the soldier. You can chose to blame or not to blame Obama, either way the Man became a soldier on his own free will and pointing the finger wont bring him back.

If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:33 pm
by Dave1965
I believe you left out that Obama failed to give those men the opportunity to defend themselves or allow adequate security details to protect one of our foreign ambassadors. I personally consider this a failing from the supposed leader of our country.

I also am sorry that you are not able to empathize with others who have unfortunate happenings to them. Those are my thoughts. No need to respond.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:03 pm
by Tyler
We are in a war and brave men risk their lives while you sit on the couch, whether you appreciate it or not; you're welcome.

You're family members don't have a true sense of patriotism, many in the .mil do.

The girl told you her people like America, that was sweet of her. I had countless haj tell me about their love of America only to find them plotting and/or working against us or catching them talking about killing us in Arabic. The Muslim is not you're friend and they certainly don't like America; our liberty flies in the face of Sharia law.

Kadnine knows that the phrase doesn't actually mean " nice weather", but was referring to the fact that it is used as a standard greeting and doesn't actually carry the weight of someone's true wish for another's peace. I hope you don't base your entire life on what you learn in a classroom. A small bit of true experience would have left you not making a fool of yourself in this thread. Thanks for playing.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:35 pm
by EH91KY
I don't value one life more than another. Children die everyday from problems a multi-vitamin could cure. People consume water much dirtier than we urinate in. Those are people I could have helped. Those are the people I feel sorry for. I cannot help someone who enlists in the Military knowing the risks regardless of the situation, they made their choice. Real hero's do not expect anything in return. I will not put anyone on a pedestal for doing their job.

I do not claim to be any kind of Saint or believe my opinions to be facts. Opinions are just what they are.

I treat people typically how I want them to treat me or how they treat me. Repeating the phrase "You're welcome" infers that I owe someone something. I'm not in debt to anyone. Taking my words out of context to provide a point degrades my statement. Finally saying something I said was not true when it is indeed factual to makes me look like a liar is pathetic. Boy seemed appropriate to me, and I meant it to be insulting. What does it accomplish? Nothing

The Reality of the situation is if the Military was non profit and the government did not support it, we would not be in this conflict. No one would go. The majority of conflicts involve very few people who are angry and use their authority to throw their weight around.

As-salamu alaykum does not mean nice weather. Click the link " onclick=";return false;. Read the description under the video " onclick=";return false;. You can even go to google translator and type the english. Type in Nice Weather, the Arabic is not As-salamu alaykum. Type in Peace be upon you and it is.

At one time Slavery was accepted. At one time Hitler was followed. Just because the masses believe they are right because they are the majority, doesn't make them right.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:41 pm
by EH91KY
Tyler wrote:We are in a war and brave men risk their lives while you sit on the couch, whether you appreciate it or not; you're welcome.
I dont believe I told you thanks and I dont think you deserve one, but you can pretend like I did all you like.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:58 pm
by Tyler
EH91KY wrote:
Tyler wrote:We are in a war and brave men risk their lives while you sit on the couch, whether you appreciate it or not; you're welcome.
I dont believe I told you thanks and I dont think you deserve one, but you can pretend like I did all you like.
I wouldn't recommend attending any group functions.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:03 pm
by EH91KY
Tyler wrote:
EH91KY wrote:
Tyler wrote:We are in a war and brave men risk their lives while you sit on the couch, whether you appreciate it or not; you're welcome.
I dont believe I told you thanks and I dont think you deserve one, but you can pretend like I did all you like.
I wouldn't recommend attending any group functions.
HAHAHAHA or what? Bring a camera, wouldn't want you to blame Obama for anything that happens to ya.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:03 pm
by mtchbrian
I'll thank you for your service Tyler. It's because of soldiers that we can have this chat and listen to people bitch back and forth and seem ungrateful.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:05 pm
by Whootsinator
EH91KY wrote:
Tyler wrote:We are in a war and brave men risk their lives while you sit on the couch, whether you appreciate it or not; you're welcome.
I dont believe I told you thanks and I dont think you deserve one, but you can pretend like I did all you like.
You really stepped on your dick with this one.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:19 pm
by Tyler
EH91KY wrote:
Tyler wrote:
EH91KY wrote:
Tyler wrote:We are in a war and brave men risk their lives while you sit on the couch, whether you appreciate it or not; you're welcome.
I dont believe I told you thanks and I dont think you deserve one, but you can pretend like I did all you like.
I wouldn't recommend attending any group functions.
HAHAHAHA or what? Bring a camera, wouldn't want you to blame Obama for anything that happens to ya.

That wasn't a threat, but you most likely won't be welcomed at such an event by everyone else reading this thread.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:14 pm
by Geno

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:13 am
by Kadnine
EH91KY wrote:I should also point out that Arabic numbers look nothing like ours and are pronounced nothing like ours.

Nice try though boy
Actually? WE'RE the ones who use Arabic numerals. (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) Arabs in the Mid-East use what they call Hindi numerals. (٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎) or Near Eastern Numerals for disambiguation purposes. To make things even LESS clear, you obviously know that Arabic script is read right to left, but did you know numbers are read left to right? And the license plates in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq contain BOTH Arabic and Hindi numerals, but break with tradition and are read right to left? This is why many people request customized palindromic plate numbers. Example: 54345 and ٥‎-٤‎-٣‎-٤‎-٥‎ both read the same either way. This is especially helpful for businesses and their phone numbers. You see, literacy is something of a problem over there, and businesses don't want their customers to have trouble contacting them.

I remember not knowing any of this. It's all very confusing at first when all you know of Arabic is squiggles and dots, right to left. It's cute, BTW. You trying to school me on languages?

Nice try though boy ;)

- Keith

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:44 pm
by Geno
Instead of the Vouch system, maybe an IFF squawk! Identify the friends and foes.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:25 pm
by EH91KY
For the record anyone who feels like they are entitled to a "Thank You" doesn't deserve it. Those who put on their boots and risk their lives and expect nothing in return, deserve a "Thank You." So anyone who throws a "You're Welcome" my way shows that you picked a job to put yourself on a pedestal.

You can think I'm an asshole, you can think whatever you like. I'm entitled to my own opinion. I will thank anyone who picked up a gun during WWII when America was at risk and our lands were threatened even if you did it for the glory. Why? Because that's when America was fighting for the sake of our rights. The conflict occurring in the middle east is not threatening to take away any of my rights. The concept is not the same.

For everyone who is pissed off at me because I'm not giving a select few of you the respect you think you are entitled to, get over it. If you want my respect broaden my perspective if I'm ignorant to the situation. I'm just as stubborn as you and if you want to have a pissing match, then go for it. I can carry a clear headed respectful conversation for those who want to.

I'm not hear to represent myself as a perfect gentleman, to please you, or to always be the bigger man. In real life I dont agree with everyone and I dont always keep my cool. That's not going to change because I'm behind a screen. I cannot beat up Anderson Silva and I'm not at the top of my class at Harvard University. Regardless If I am knowledgeable of a subject or feel like someone is attempting to threaten me then I will respond.

I treat this like real life. If one of you came up to me face to face and we began to talk and you said I just got back from my tour of wherever, I would be intrigued. I'm not going to be mad and I'd probably tell you I respected that. If you told me you were injured I'd tell you that sucks. If you told me you were injured and kept complaining about it and said I never thought it would happen to me, I'd give you a dumb look and wonder what you thought you were signing up for. Finally I can assure you that if any one of you were talking about your military past or present and I didn't say anything you wouldn't look at me and say "You're Welcome" and if you did I'm sure we would have words.

I have seen people here post things that are racist and degrading. I can not tell you exactly where or when but I know for a fact that I have seen people post things like "Aye yo homie.....dawg....cuz" in response to a story or video that involved Black people that spoke nothing like that. You know how many people jumped on there case? Not a damn one of you. I've also seen posts saying things like "You dont call cops because they have a badge but because they have a gun" yet if I said "You dont call the military because they are brave but because they can pull a trigger" I bet quite a few of you would flip shit. I know that military is a big part of this forum, and I'm not against the military. All I'm saying is you go into combat expecting not to get injured and fill like everyone owes you something, get off your high horse and wake up.

I could have been a little more polite, could have reworded some things I posted, and I could have went into greater detail. The message is the same.

I support the military and believe it is needed. That said I dont believe every conflict that we are engaged in is threatening me or is needed. I dont thank UPS for bringing my packages, I dont thank my teachers for lecturing, and I wont thank a soldier for doing his job. However I have thanked the UPS guy for knocking the extra time in the rain so my package didnt get wet, I have thanked my teacher for 1 on 1 lectures, and I will thank a soldier who I feel is fighting for me. I dont like Obama nor do I think it's entirely his fault without knowing all the facts. I dont exactly feel terrible for a Doctor that gets sick while treating me. It is not his job to get sick, but to cure. However being around sick people is a risk he takes. I dont put soldiers above anyone and If a soldier gets killed fighting for me I dont cry myself to sleep. A soldiers job is to bring America to victory not to die. However being around the enemy is a risk he takes. That does not mean I wish a doctor to be sick or that I wish a soldier to die.
Kadnine wrote:
Actually? WE'RE the ones who use Arabic numerals. (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) Arabs in the Mid-East use what they call Hindi numerals. (٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎) or Near Eastern Numerals for disambiguation purposes. To make things even LESS clear, you obviously know that Arabic script is read right to left, but did you know numbers are read left to right? And the license plates in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq contain BOTH Arabic and Hindi numerals, but break with tradition and are read right to left? This is why many people request customized palindromic plate numbers. Example: 54345 and ٥‎-٤‎-٣‎-٤‎-٥‎ both read the same either way. This is especially helpful for businesses and their phone numbers. You see, literacy is something of a problem over there, and businesses don't want their customers to have trouble contacting them.

I remember not knowing any of this. It's all very confusing at first when all you know of Arabic is squiggles and dots, right to left. It's cute, BTW. You trying to school me on languages?

Nice try though boy ;)

- Keith
Americans use the Hindu Arabic system which is a system of 0-10 that incorporates decimals. So yes we use the Arabic numerals in the fashion that we have 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 instead of Roman numerals or other systems of counting. We however write and read our numerals differently. I'm very aware how arabic letters and numbers are read. I see that you are trying to be logical and quite proud that you are putting in effort, but you are still incorrect.

Facts remain. Arabians do not say "one, two, three..." when they count and they do not write "1,2,3.." no more than Americans say "waahid" for one, questions marks are not placed on the right side, and the saying "As-salamu alaykum" does not mean nice weather.

Nice try though

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:11 pm
by Dave1965
EH91KY wrote:
Finally I can assure you that if any one of you were talking about your military past or present and I didn't say anything you wouldn't look at me and say "You're Welcome" and if you did I'm sure we would have words.
I actually laughed out loud at this statement. It speaks volumes about what you do not know about service people. I am usually shocked and taken aback when people thank me for serving. I do not expect it as most others don't either in my opinion.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:33 pm
by EH91KY
Dave1965 wrote:
EH91KY wrote:
Finally I can assure you that if any one of you were talking about your military past or present and I didn't say anything you wouldn't look at me and say "You're Welcome" and if you did I'm sure we would have words.
I actually laughed out loud at this statement. It speaks volumes about what you do not know about service people. I am usually shocked and taken aback when people thank me for serving. I do not expect it as most others don't either in my opinion.
Ok so what I don't I know? From your reply you're acknowledging that most people do not Thank service people and most service people do not expect it and I'm assuming if you don't expect thanks then you do go around saying you're welcome.

You just quoted me, agreed with what you quoted, then said I didn't know what I was talking about.

Feel free to inform me, because I obviously do not see what you are a disagreeing with from that reply.

If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:24 pm
by Dave1965
You obviously have problems reading and comprehending. Just like you keep bringing up that that phrase does not mean nice weather when it has been explained by someone else that it was not meant that way but rather as a greeting. Might as well as said howz it hanging. Would be interested to know what you do for a living.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:21 am
by Tyler
Leave it alone Dave, not worth it.

Re: If this doesn't make you mad...

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:02 pm
by EH91KY
Coachf wrote:I tried to understand, and this is what I came up with. I feel like it kind of nailed it, but wh knows.

1. Fantasy Tough guy.
A. Posts after feelings threatened/ feelings hurt
B. sig pic of him drooling behind his rifle
C. Reference to uncle who was too hard to kill
I. These things togather show a gross need to compensate for being bullied, not paid attention to, etc. need to feel tough in front of others. Got it.

2. Has to be right, no matter what
A. Wall of text above
B. continuous reference to give me respect I'll give you, but doesn't give to begin with
C. Argues same small semantic point even when proven wrong
D. Will bring up specious arguments not germain to topic to enchance argument (racism)

3. Doesn't like saying you're welcome, ever, for anything
A. Wall of text
B. self indulgent posture
C. Need to feel worthy, but hasn't really done 'anything' yet
D. Must feel separate from the crowd, to prove self worth
E. hides behind "this is my belief", knows belief is wrong, but keeps it nonetheless to be different, be use different means for on e he can stand out, better or worse.

Got it.

At the end of the day, to argue this stuff over the net is pointless, and you know that. You won't change anyone's mind here, and I guarantee all you will do is piss folks off. I also know that most folks here don't want to change your mind and would be perfectly content kicking you literally or figuratively. Don't keep kicking the hornets nest.

This thread is done.
Here's what I understand about you. You like to feel a sense of authority. Your username indicates that you have coached a team of some sort. You carry the name "Coach" to let us know your position. Rather than taking a title as 'Head Moderator" ,"Admin", or so forth you chose the title "Founding Father" further displaying your superiority that you only carry on the internet. For lack of factual evidence you choose to twist words and draw conclusions to prove your points. You even contradict yourself. You chose to reply with nothing rational then conclude your statement that arguing on the internet is pointless and I shouldn't keep kicking the hornets net. However, I believe it takes two people to argue. If in reality you wanted me to stop posting, you would not have replied unless you wanted to prove to me something. You call me a fantasy tough guy yet you infer that you be perfectly content with kicking me. You say I feel threatened and that is why I respond, does that mean you feel threatened? You replied. You say my feelings are hurt then say I'm pissing folks off. You do not speak for the entire forum, I believe you are the one getting pissed. You most likely deny your real feeling however. Assumption is what you back your points on. There are various members who have people pictures of people in their signatures and avatars that are not of themselves, it's possible that the picture isn't of me. Rather than create your own thoughts in a response you chose to highlight what others have said. Seems to me your just as much the stay with the group kind of guy as I am the one to stray. You say I dont like to say you're welcome for anything yet a simple search will prove you wrong. I've said Thank You and You're welcome to many members of this forum. I argue the same point you say, but what exactly have you said that no one else hasn't said yet? I actually reply to back myself up while you post to feel a sense of worth. Yet I feel the need to feel tough in front of others and need the attention? right. Going back again to this, why did you post again? My beliefs are different and if you all agreed with me, they wouldn't change. So, no I don't believe what I believe to be different.

I hope you're not a carpenter because you haven't nailed shit. Feel free to reply, feel free not to. I couldn't care less either way.

Dave- I did read where it was mentioned that Kadnine knew what the word meant and it was an introduction. Makes sense. I say "hey" and "How are you doing" all the time. They both are ways just to say hello, you know this. You also know they are not the same. One is a greeting, one is a question. The only reason I bring this back up is because it keeps getting brought back up. In my response to you I said nothing about this, yet for some reason you chose to mention it again. Look where we are now...again. I asked you a question and you felt the need not to answer it. What you said and what you quoted, where basically one in the same. Either you are not comprehending what I wrote or I am failing to see your angled. You avoided to prove me wrong that you agreed, so I'm assuming you did not comprehend. If it wasn't worth explaining, then why reply at all?

To answer both of your questions and then some

I worked at a bait store for about a year and quit right after places around the area started getting robbed. A couple months after I quit the place it was robbed at gun point. Don't believe me go to Frank Miller and Son and ask them. Then I worked in the landscape business. After working there for a few years part time I ran a Mulch business under the owner. I currently go to college and have a 3.8 GPA overall and a 4.0 in my field of study, which is graphic designs. I still partially work landscaping/construction and am hired at various times for graphic design. I have trained Brazilian jiu-jitsu under Ricardo Ortolani in Bowling Green, but no longer do. I'm such an selfish and ungrateful asshole I have participated in a Christmas wish, have donated money to the NRA, and missed a quiz in College that was a big portion of my grade knowing that I could not make it up to go to my friend's mom's funeral. I'm such a fuck up that I say "sir" and "ma'am" to strangers older than myself, I have never done any drugs, and have never been in trouble with the law. I have only been in one fight since the age of 18. A debate escalated and he felt the need to get physical. You see I can argue all day long, sometimes I get annoyed, but rarely pissed off. So yes, for me it is all talk on here. This isn't my first forum and I know that everyone pretends to be from the top of their class at Harvard and make the Hulk look small. You're not, neither am I. If I wanted to fight I'd ask you for your address I wouldn't talk about kicking you or tell you where you shouldn't go.

I'm sure I could say more, but so far it's really just been kind of useless. So far the only thing that we've accomplished is that some of you think I'm an idiot and I think some of you are idiots. My opinions on the subject hasn't changed and no one who has posted has either. I think some of you think your above everyone else and some of you think I'm ungrateful. It's all fine and dandy. I sleep the same.

Anyhow, I'm not going to reply back to this thread. If anyone actually wants to change my mind about something feel free to in a PM. If you want to prove me wrong on something just to rub in my face, I welcome that to. If you can do either I'll gladly eat my words and apologize, I've done it before. Had a guy threaten to choke me out if he ever saw me on another forum for arguing about military stuff. We both got banned temporarily. Came back, argued again. He proved me wrong on some things and I proved him wrong on some things. Both looked like jackasses, both apologized in a thread, and we've been friends for a few years now. Maybe it just takes a Sergeant to get through me hard head.