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Reloading Tutorial

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 7:21 pm
by Da-Law-Dawg
I am starting a multi-part "series" here for those that are wanting to get in to reloading but don't know where to start or what's needed. Over the next few threads, I'll outline what you need to get started and the steps involved to "roll your own" loads.

One thing I want to stress, attention to detail throughout. You're messing with volatile stuff here. Mind you, it ain't rocket science but it pays to double-check everything throughout the process. Pay close attention to your data and keep thorough records. It pays tremendously in the satisfaction you'll gain in knowing you loaded your own fodder. It doesn't hurt on the money you save either, in most instances, it equates to pennies on the dollar vs paying retail for factory fodder.

Re: Reloading Tutorial

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:20 pm
by GeminiXD9
Awesome idea. Looking forward to the series