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+1 for BadVoltron

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 7:22 am
by etownguy
he's great! went above and beyond to fix a problem with the sale (brought the wrong box on accident).

Re: +1 for BadVoltron

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 9:15 am
by badvoltron
I grabbed the wrong box to bring. I even set it out on the table hours earlier, walked by it 50 times never noticed it was the wrong box.

Dude I really pride myself on not making mistakes like that, im a super “A” type personality, I go to crazy lengths not to waste peoples time or be an inconvenience. My mind about exploded when you figured out I brought the wrong box.

Its you who is the saint here for not getting upset with fighting all that traffic for my fuck up. I think its super funny that there was also a small mixup in the second meeting place. Capped that exchange off perfectly, lol.

I did not want to take your money after all that but I knew you would shoot me if I didnt! I figured it was best to just get gone and let you enjoy your friday. Again its you who was the saint in all this, thanks for being understanding.

I owe you lunch and a couple beers sometime.