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List yer skill set

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:13 pm
by Kadnine
Okay, some of us are cagier than others about advertising what assets we have in case SHTF, and I understand OPSEC discipline in such matters, but I'd be interested (only if yer comfortable with it) to hear about what you'd bring to the table in the event of zombie apocalypse. The wife wants to learn a survival skill, too. She works almost exclusively in medical insurance accounting, and is VERY, VERY good at it, but now she wants to be considered a "valuable person" should the grid go down, and not just another mouth to feed. Being the loving husband that I am, I want to help her acquire a few basic survival tools to wear about the belt area...

Here's some of what I got:

Expert Marine rifleman out to 500+ yards
Decent shot with a pistol, and getting better
Combat knife skills, blade maintenance
Can cook, clean, ferment beer and wine
A little gardening know-how (VERY little)
Orienteering/map reading/tactical maneuver
Radio-works (scanners, walkies, field expedient antennas, atmospherics, some Morse code)
Languages (English, Spanish, French, and Arabic)
Basic first aid/lifesaver CPR
Basic carpentry/woodcarving
Basic line fishing
Basic sewing/mending. And I'm a whiz at tub laundry
Basic leatherworking (tooling, resizing, leather care)
Basic plumbing
Basic vehicle maintenance (I'm no mechanic, but I can care for a car, truck, 5-ton, motorcycle, or bicycle)
Camps well with others (I lived outdoors for nearly all of 2003, in combat conditions)
Fully stocked, 3 day Bug Out Bag for two people, a fully stocked car trunk to Get Back Home
Can hike the train tracks South to Louisville (family) or North to Cincinnati (alternate)
Good with kids, pets, and parallel parking
And I can draw, paint, and roller skate plus carry a tune in a bucket. :)

I've put a lot of time and thought into this thing, but I'm always on the lookout for someone who knows more than me. Let me be your student.

Some of what I'd like to learn:

Metalworking (Been watching some DIY forge videos on youtube)
Hunting (I've only hunted terrorists, never shot my own food)
Reliably make fire without matches
Spinning thread/yarn, weaving cloth
Flint knapping
Hide tanning
Axes, chainsaws, log cabins

The wife wants to start with herbs. Can anyone put us some knowledge on that front? We'd be much obliged.

- Keith



Re: List year skill set

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:29 pm
by son of liberty
Listing all the survival skills one has is assuming we know what skill will be needed in a survival situation.

Have a plan, a get r done work ethic , and the willingness to press through the bad times, thats about all thats really needed.

Re: List year skill set

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:44 pm
by Kadnine
son of liberty wrote:Listing all the survival skills one has is assuming we know what skill will be needed in a survival situation.

Have a plan, a get r done work ethic , and the willingness to press through the bad times, thats about all thats really needed.
I, too, am a big believer in "can do-ism." I certainly DON'T know ever skill out there, or which one will be needed. It's just that I treat planning as an open ended learning experience and I'm looking to pick up some new knowledge from the KAC community here. If they'll share... I'll reciprocate. ;)

Like the comment. Thank you.

- Keith

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:55 pm
by etownguy
jack of all trades master of nothing

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:01 pm
by GeminiXD9

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:43 pm
by wash
People tell me, after they see me shoot, thAt I must have been born with an AK in my hand. My skill set includes chugging bourbon and leaving blondes with a smile

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:52 pm
by Dave1965
This thread could go bad easily.

I am a man whore

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:55 pm
by DDgunslinger
I know how to kill stuff and survive in woods... Without most sheeple knowing I'm
even there... Let's just leave it at that.

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:32 pm
by WLJ
List yer skill set
Getting turned down, expert level.

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:33 pm
by wash
"leavin' the ladies wanting more"

Yep. :llama:

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:37 pm
by ChickenLady
Extremely good at woman's work.

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:41 pm
by guncrank1
I am a gunsmith and toolmaker of 30 years
I know how to make/repair/modify things that go boom , bang , and slash and stab.
Including stuff that DD uses in his sneaking in the woods :llama:

Plus a lot /little of everything

K. Suggest you get the Foxfire Series of books.

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:46 pm
by wash
You are too modest Cranky.

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 10:12 pm
by GunningBadger
I can sew up wounds, cut away the dead tissue and hopefully patch you up. I can drain some pus and stop bleeding. And I can put the bullets back in if need be.

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 10:29 pm
by justang1997

Noticed the ax and cabin building stuff. You need to pick that book up and read it. Its over 30 years old and the guy who wrote it was pretty old himself so there is an uncommon amount of wisdom in the lost art of doing stuff with hand tools.

I have lots of military training and civilian skill sets as well, but I have to say my most valuable asset is my "getrdun" mentality. I'm an expert improvisor. Give me a task with minimal tools or resources and I'll figure it out.

Oh, and I'm in the same boat as you on the hunting thing, and if I see any fresh roadkill in the winter, I field dress it and take some meat. Got a hide that way also for practice on tanning.

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:20 am
by guncrank1
wash wrote:You are too modest Cranky.
Always wash always :llama:

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:26 am
by Robert Paulson
I Have DD's number. and i am a master negotiator.

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:38 am
by kyswede
I have many years experience putting worms, night crawlers and minnows on hooks. I guess that would make me a master...........nevermind.

List yer skill set

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:51 am
by jackalo626
kyswede wrote:I have many years experience putting worms, night crawlers and minnows on hooks. I guess that would make me a master...........nevermind.

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:39 am
by Kadnine
Thanks, all. Especially the sexy comments. ;)

guncrank? I grew up with the Foxfire series. I have them all. Good call, Sir.

justang? I *WILL* be ordering that Ax Book. Want it. *Need* it.

- Keith

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:44 pm
by ChickenLady
I guess if I had to list it.. I know how to kill and clean a chicken, which I figure could cross over to other animals? Not sure but I can get a chicken done and ready to eat in about 10 minutes. Once did it in front of dinner guests.. surprised they came back..

I can can food.

I know most edible plants in the woods here on this end of the country.

I'm a great camp cook.

I own a horse and know how to ride him (this I would hope I know lol) Something I need to teach Joe, because if SHTF it's just us and the horses for long term movement

I know how to read maps

I know how survive in general.

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:52 pm
by burn360
If it needs to be done and I want to do it gets done..... that is all...

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:14 pm
by Robert Paulson
Chickenlady wrote:I guess if I had to list it.. I know how to kill and clean a chicken, which I figure could cross over to other animals? Not sure but I can get a chicken done and ready to eat in about 10 minutes. Once did it in front of dinner guests.. surprised they came back..

I can can food.

I know most edible plants in the woods here on this end of the country.

I'm a great camp cook.

I own a horse and know how to ride him (this I would hope I know lol) Something I need to teach Joe, because if SHTF it's just us and the horses for long term movement

I know how to read maps

I know how survive in general.

The last part is true I know her husband

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:17 pm
by ChickenLady
Poor Joe lol

Re: List yer skill set

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:57 am
by Kadnine
Chickenlady -While I can disassemble a thawed, store bought duck in about fifteen minutes, you can go from cock-a-doodle-doo to dinner-ready in ten? Damn. That's cool.

Also? I oughtta learn more about horses. This is Kentucky, after all. And I've only ridden once. ;)

- Keith