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Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:49 am
by motoman883
Im just wondering how private some of you other guys/gals are with your gun ownership,with all the stories Ive been reading about the perverbial guy who owns 50 guns and they were confiscated because his neighbor didnt like him because his dog shit in his yard and called the police.

I have several guns and like to shoot them all as much as I can ,I have a 100 yard range out at my parents and transport my gun out there but always have them in cases when loading the truck up ,usually take 5 or 6 at a time so as far as you know I only have 5 or 6 guns, dont have bumper and window stickers advertising ,I dont wear gun related clothes (mall ninja outfits), I dont talk to my nieghbors or employees or customers about guns. My guns and knives are locked in a room in 2 big safes were I do my builds and my holsters and do leather work and I just dont let anyone in this room except my sons and daughter. I dont show my weapons off to my friends and dont post pics on facebook. Just curious on other views

Re: Privacy

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:06 am
by GeminiXD9
I don't advertise everything I actually own. I also don't tell just anyone I own guns. I will engage in a conversation with someone about guns etc but won't say what or how many I own. Depending on who I'm talkin to of course. If its a member here or something I might b like I have one of those or I used to have one. When I load my guns up to go to the range I usually have em in cases or range bag. I try to b discreet in case I have one of those kind of "neighbors" and to deter any would be thieves.


Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:06 am
by Niceguy
I don't really talk about guns in any detail with anyone I don't know very well... No neighbors really to deal with. Maybe a half a dizen in a few miles around, none with in 150-200 yards and they all pretty much have some gun or another...

Re: Privacy

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:29 am
by RecoilSensitive
people who know me well know i have some, but no one really knows how many or what types. heck i bet my wife could not even tell you. and they are places in sperate locations throughout the house and garage in sifes lock boxes and hidden. (i dont have kids nor do kids ever come over under the age of 16 (my sister) and when we have company coming i take all guns that could be found and put them in the safe whic his also hidden

Re: Privacy

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:52 am
by motoman883
RecoilSensitive wrote:people who know me well know i have some, but no one really knows how many or what types. heck i bet my wife could not even tell you. and they are places in sperate locations throughout the house and garage in sifes lock boxes and hidden. (i dont have kids nor do kids ever come over under the age of 16 (my sister) and when we have company coming i take all guns that could be found and put them in the safe whic his also hidden
My girlfriend doesnt even know what I have, only thing she cares about is her pink sig 22 that she owns but its in 1 of the safes that she cant get in.


Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:22 am
by jackalo626
Privacy in 2012 hahahahhahaha

Re: Privacy

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:41 am
by Frailer
My *wife* doesn't know how many I own. :llama:

Re: Privacy

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:22 am
by ChopperDoc
Frailer wrote:My *wife* doesn't know how many I own. :llama:

hehe. I can relate to that.

Re: Privacy

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:32 am
by dbh
Frailer wrote:My *wife* doesn't know how many I own. :llama:
Ditto! I keep telling her that I only have 3.

Only 2 people know what I have. Both of them are neighbors, gun enthusiasts, and have done RWI classes with me.

Re: Privacy

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:38 am
by ChopperDoc
My wife has access to the safe. all she has to do is look.

Methinks maybe she does not want to know. :)

Re: Privacy

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:53 am
by kokopelli
well, I don't like people, so I'm good...


Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 12:21 pm
by jackalo626
ChopperDoc wrote:My wife has access to the safe. all she has to do is look.

Methinks maybe she does not want to know. :)
I bet if you hung price tags on them in the safe, you would need a couch to crash on lol :llama:

Re: Privacy

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 12:28 pm
by ChopperDoc
jackalo626 wrote:
ChopperDoc wrote:My wife has access to the safe. all she has to do is look.

Methinks maybe she does not want to know. :)
I bet if you hung price tags on them in the safe, you would need a couch to crash on lol :llama:



Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 12:44 pm
by Dustin
I am in trouble because I need a bigger safe.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Re: Privacy

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:23 pm
by armygreen
just tossin' this out there, one idea is to simply not own more than you think you can keep safe,
not own so much of a steal-able thing that if it were stolen you'd be financially ruined,
and of what you own - have enough funds to replace it if stolen (in case an insurance payment takes too long or other complications come up).

i live pretty spartan, my gun interest is very strongly in rights to self-defense, i'm not a "gun nut", nongun people think i am because i talk about gun rights a lot. i only own the basics: small handgun ccw, large handgun homedef, AR & shotgun for rioters.

holsters though?.... i wish there was a gunners goodwill box i could dump my collection in :oops:

Re: Privacy

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:56 pm
by shaggy1392
armygreen wrote:... i wish there was a gunners goodwill box i could dump my collection in :oops:
If you want to give away holsters I'd be happy to take your donations if you have anything I can use

Re: Privacy

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:12 pm
by guncrank1
I am Cranky
I am the gun so too speak
I post on three local forums and several nationial ones
I don't hide from but don't boost much on what I own.
I Facebook but not much and al that crap.

Re: Privacy

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:13 pm
by son of liberty
I dont have social relationships that are not in some way bound by guns, gear, bushcraft, or homestead. If your not in to shooting , surviveing, and learning how to do both better............piss off.

Re: Privacy

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:52 pm
by Winner
kokopelli wrote:well, I don't like people, so I'm good...
Well, people don't like you either :llama:

Re: Privacy

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:07 pm
by kokopelli
I'm good with that. Now Llamas- them I like.
and Alpacas.

Re: Privacy

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 12:26 am
by Frailer
jackalo626 wrote:
ChopperDoc wrote:My wife has access to the safe. all she has to do is look.

Methinks maybe she does not want to know. :)
I bet if you hung price tags on them in the safe, you would need a couch to crash on lol :llama:
You young guys need to learn the magic of the "allowance." Each and every paycheck she gets a cut to spend on her stupid crap, and I get an equal cut to spend on my stupid crap. For some strange reason, her "stupid crap account" has significantly more money in it than mine. ;)

My wife doesn't know how many I have not because I hide them, but because she's just not remotely interested. Whenever I start talking about a cool gun--most recently the SIG 553 SBR on Vickers' TacTV--she says, "Why don't you buy one?"

Just to shut me up.

Did I mention her "stupid crap account" has significantly more money in it than mine?


Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 11:54 am
by jackalo626
Frailer wrote:
jackalo626 wrote:
ChopperDoc wrote:My wife has access to the safe. all she has to do is look.

Methinks maybe she does not want to know. :)
I bet if you hung price tags on them in the safe, you would need a couch to crash on lol :llama:
You young guys need to learn the magic of the "allowance." Each and every paycheck she gets a cut to spend on her stupid crap, and I get an equal cut to spend on my stupid crap. For some strange reason, her "stupid crap account" has significantly more money in it than mine. ;)

My wife doesn't know how many I have not because I hide them, but because she's just not remotely interested. Whenever I start talking about a cool gun--most recently the SIG 553 SBR on Vickers' TacTV--she says, "Why don't you buy one?"

Just to shut me up.

Did I mention her "stupid crap account" has significantly more money in it than mine?
Nah you got the wrong young guy here. I was teasing with him. My wife could care less what I buy and it's mutual between us. We keep separate bank accounts (none are joint) and we love it that way. At the end of the month we tally up what half of bills are between us and write each other a check. I am setting the right example! :llama: