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the impending ban...?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:35 pm
ok So I know talking about this is getting to the point where it is like rubbing salt in a wound but seriously... I want to have a civilized conversation about it. We all know it's retarded and liberals all think its going to save the world. We also know they are pushing hard for it... so my question is WILL it pass? I know it will be/is being introduced and is gaining some momentum but will it go far enough to pass? can congress stop it? will they try? how does it play into the "fiscal cliff" negotiations?

I ran across this artical which is frightening ... ore-179067

but will they go for something THAT extreme? what can we as citizens do?

Again I want this to be an honest look at options....

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 7:40 pm
by Toddstang
Diane Fienstien has allready said she wants them ALL since her president got re-elected.

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 7:56 pm
by Rext
It just pisses me off that they think the blacker a rifle is the more dangerous it is.Or the more features it has the more dangerous it is. Why dont they just outlaw murder like they did with drugs and solve this whole thing?

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:22 pm
by Toddstang

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:24 pm
by WLJ
And it will ban the same for big clips, drums or strips of more than 10 bullets
Anyone ever seen a clip over 10 rounds?

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:27 pm
by Toddstang
And dont forget how important this is for China to express thier opinion of our laws: ... ls-in-u-s/

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:03 pm
by Rext
Just a side note, but I dont believe it will affect class three guns? I see the form 1s flowing like water!

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:24 pm
by ChopperDoc
During the speech tonight it did not sound to me like the POTUS intends to entertain any for of legislation that has to go through Congress for this.

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:33 pm
by son of liberty
The whole thing is a joke, The liberal anti gun obama voteing dumb asses are digging a hole here. This country is so polarized at this point that it wont take much to fracture it down the center.

For the last 10 years the AR15 has been produced at such an extreme rate that every American manufacturer prior the ban sunset makes a version, a whole section of the new firearms companies are based on the AR15. A huge number of companies have sprouted up to fill the need for Magazines, grips stocks, sights, you name it. You know who buys all this ......its not the liberal sheep ......Have you noticed the huge build up by the people? No one just target shoots anymore, we got combat schools , sheepdogs, training groups. Some of the early actions by the british before the revolution were to capture powder stores, well a few years before that im sure there were people building them stores.

My point here is that sooner or later somethings got to give, and IM READY!

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:27 pm
by Harb
son of liberty wrote:My point here is that sooner or later somethings got to give, and IM READY!
Agreed. Look at the hatred being dished back and forth. A return to civility is pretty much impossible at this point, save for an act of God.

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:20 am
Harb wrote:
son of liberty wrote:My point here is that sooner or later somethings got to give, and IM READY!
Agreed. Look at the hatred being dished back and forth. A return to civility is pretty much impossible at this point, save for an act of God.

and this is what concerns me the most. the hate is starting to turn into action and the liberal side of things is starting to become violent with "expressing" themselves.... just look at Michigan as a result of them making it a right-to-work state. I fear for my children int he years to come... when I was little all I really had to worry about was being careful crossing the road!

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 6:03 am
by Dashammer
IMHO an AWB is comming but in what kind of form well that remains to be seen. So let me put my tin foil hat on for a while. The fact that congress and more to the point the senate is broken and has been for decades is at a point where the old smoke and mirrors "that how we do business" is starting to wear thin on the american people. The economy is still "F'ed" up with no real signs of any meaningful chance comming out of Washington other than the same crap under a different name. Second the external boogy man concept is a dieing issue with 10's of thousands of lives lost, 100s of thousands of destroyed young people and trillions and trillions of dollars spent with no real end in sight. So the need for a different boogy man is real for them. Why not an internal boogy man. The gun toteing crazy man will fit that bill nicely. Let's see in a country of 350 million that crazy man is in the minority, check, easyily identifiable check, out spoken and considered by the majority in power to be alittle off the mark, check, and with recent evens considered the real root of evil acts and so on and so forth. So it is comming and trust me the powers that be have been preping just as hard and with alot more money and assets that the rest of us combined. The NDAA, Patroit Act and I am sure some I have missed are all ready in place. Next is the AWB that will make the last one look like childs play. It is a time honored fight and has been going on since man has been man. The have's must make sure the have nots can't have. Since the vast vast majority of the wealth is now in the hands of the every few what is the next logical action the have's must inact. Elimanate the ability of the have not's to defend themselvesand now the door is wide open. Simple and that is the real struggle that has faces man threw out the ages.

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 6:55 am
by Dave1965
Has to bother me when China bothers to weigh in on it. Only one reason that they would not want citizens in this country armed with anything more than a shotgun.

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 7:53 am
by kokopelli
just saw the snippet of Diane Fart-stein's tirade- she is introducing bills to the House and Senate to ban the sale, possession and inportation of any 'assault' type weapon, including anything that holds more than 10 rounds. Lacky Harry chimed in as well.

Buy your mags now, fellas.

the impending ban...?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:35 am
by ssracer
And bury them

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:36 am
by WLJ
Any attempted ban will go after these targets

Play Mix and Match here, remember these are the target bans, doesn't mean they'll get all or even any of these. They'll try though.

More likely
* Ban High cap mags. Set limit to 10 again.
* Ban Quick change mag wells. Do what CA did, but this time no bullet button work-a-round.
* Ban Hollowpoints. In some state already it's prison time if caught with HPs.
* Ban the import of "assault" style rifles
* Ban the import of ammo.
* Ban bayonet lugs again. Will put an end to drive by bayonetings. (Remember only emotions are involved in this process)
* Ban flash hiders. See bayonet.
* Ban bump fire and similar type stocks
* Ban SBRs and full autos. They already have your name and address and it's S/N. knock knock.
* Homicide tax on all ammo

Somewhat likely
* Required registration of all "assault" style rifles if they don't get a complete ban.
* Limit purchase amount of ammo per month and require ID and background check for ammo.

Less likely
* Completely ban all sales of "assault" style rifles.
* Ban the transfer/sales of "assault" rifles, hi-cap mags etc.. between individuals. In effect as people die off their rifles would have to turned in and destroyed.
* Ban all "non-hunting" type rifles.
* Ban lead ammo (99%, or something like that, of ammo) in effect drive up the cost of ammo. EPA just needs to issue the order.

Not very likely (yet)
* Require registration of all firearms
* Ban the possession of "assault" style rifles. knock knock

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:11 am
by WLJ
One good thing is that congress doesn't meet until next month, gives a bit of a cooling off period.

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:12 am
by Rem700
WLJ wrote:One good thing is that congress doesn't meet until next month, gives a bit of a cooling off period.
He doesnt need congress.......i think he has made that clear before. :o

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:15 am
by WLJ
Rem700 wrote:
WLJ wrote:One good thing is that congress doesn't meet until next month, gives a bit of a cooling off period.
He doesnt need congress.......i think he has made that clear before. :o
That's the wildcard in all this.

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:21 am
by WLJ
But if you noticed Obama rarely starts or gets legislation pushed through himself. For example, it was Pelosi and Reid that got "Obama" care pushed through, Obama more or less sat on the sidelines. In fact he had given up on it but Pelosi wouldn't let the matter rest. I view Obama as more of a figurehead than any thing else, Axelrod, Pelosi among others are the ones pulling Obama's strings.

"Leading from behind" he says, in other words let other do the work while I get the credit.

the impending ban...?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:02 pm
by jackalo626
WLJ wrote:One good thing is that congress doesn't meet until next month, gives a bit of a cooling off period.
Not really since all of the crazies have hit daily recently! I hope so. <- see what I did there....... Hope.

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:21 pm
by ChopperDoc
WLJ wrote:But if you noticed Obama rarely starts or gets legislation pushed through himself. For example, it was Pelosi and Reid that got "Obama" care pushed through, Obama more or less sat on the sidelines. In fact he had given up on it but Pelosi wouldn't let the matter rest. I view Obama as more of a figurehead than any thing else, Axelrod, Pelosi among others are the ones pulling Obama's strings.

"Leading from behind" he says, in other words let other do the work while I get the credit.

And I will say again that I expect to see the "wild card" you mentioned put into action. Whether it is successful or not remains to be seen.

His words yesterday indicated that he was going to meet this week with top "law enforcement" and advisers to work on immediate action. That is not tin foil hat stuff that is business as usual for this leader and we shall see what comes of it.

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 1:26 pm
by RecoilSensitive
if they come knock knock i am sorry but there will be bloodshed

i am not saying it will be me but there will be

i do think that we can stop some of the ban stuff but prolly not all

btw illinois just got told it had to produce new gun legislation because the courts said its current not allowing the carry of firearms was unconstitutional

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:29 pm
by WLJ
Need to add one in my list under More likely

* Ban the shoulder thing that goes up. Have no idea what it does but it must be evil.

Re: the impending ban...?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:42 pm
by ssracer
WLJ wrote:* Ban SBRs and full autos. They already have your name and address and it's S/N. knock knock.
this is one that has me concerned...even though of course neither was actually used in any of these incidents