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"The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:35 pm
by WLJ
aka: "the You Will Have No Right to Defend Yourself Law" ... un_control
Mayor Bloomberg Exploits Trayvon Martin Tragedy to Push Gun Control

Kevin Glass

Managing Editor,

Apr 11, 2012 10:08 PM EST

Get Michael Savage's new book FREE!
The shooting death of an unarmed seventeen-year-old is a tragedy. Conservatives, however, have been suspicious of the media firestorm surrounding the death of Trayvon Martin for a few different reasons.

Events involving Al Sharpton, the New York Times and NBC have been pushing a narrative that this singular event - regardless of the facts of the case - "proves" that America is a deeply racist nation. The other big reason is that conservatives are wary that the Left won't let a crisis go to waste and pursue more gun control laws.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is proving those fears correct. Today he partnered with liberal groups for a campaign he's calling "Second Chance to Shoot First."

The campaign aims to repeal or reform the laws that eliminated a person's duty to retreat when threatened with serious bodily harm or death. These laws have passed in 25 states.

Bloomberg said these laws undermine the integrity of the justice system, threaten public safety and make it more difficult to prosecute shooters.

The grassroots campaign will contact state legislators who have passed what he terms "shoot first" laws, produce education material for the public and create model legislation.

"The tragic death of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Fla., touched a nerve all across this country," Bloomberg said. "I believe we all have a responsibility to investigate the meaning of this terrible event for our nation and then to take action."

Bloomberg said neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, who shot Martin, should have never had a gun with his history of violence. He said New York and other states would not have allowed him to carry a gun.

To make this naked exploitation worse, Martin's parents' attorney want Trayvon's name attached to the laws, and call it "the Trayvon Martin Law."

Never mind that Stand Your Ground laws have had nothing to do with the Zimmerman-Martin shooting. Never mind that, if anything, it was police malfeasance on the scene of the incident that led to Zimmerman being set free. No, liberals see this as an opportunity to push more gun control laws.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg promotes himself as a pragmatist who doesn't hew to ideological boxes. He's right about that - he sees no reason whatsoever that the government shouldn't push itself into any aspect of any American's life. And he doesn't see any reason why his ungrounded "pragmatism" shouldn't be followed by the ignoramuses in the flyover states. Because Michael Bloomberg just knows better than anyone else.

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:44 pm
by ssracer
Mr. Bloomberg needs to keep his nose in his own damn state and quit trying to push national're just a GD mayor for pete's sake

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:45 pm
by wash
This sucks.

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:42 am
why dont we just make a friggin law for everybody that has been killed ? this is bullshit and so is he!!!!!! screw all these damn liberals !!!!!!! can i get a amen?

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:56 am
by Nolan
Liberalism is a disease--amen

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:14 am
Bloomberg needs to stop trying to push his personal agenda on everybody else. What is right for that prick is not what the rest of us want for ourselves.

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:32 am
by CopperWires
Bloomberg is an idiot. What is scary is a certain mayor in a large city in Kentucky meets with him quite a bit to discuss issues.

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:33 am
by kyswede
Nolan wrote:Liberalism is a disease--amen
According to Rush Limbaugh, liberalism is a mental illness. I agree.

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:39 am
by Dave1965
I defriended a friend on facebook last night. His liberal rantings came to a head under this case's banner and I could no longer tolerate his stupidity and holier than thou attitude.

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:48 am
by Rem700
Yep good plan Hans!!!!!! Lets make it illegal to defend yourself. I mean we already pay billions in tax payer dollars to feed, house, clothe, give cable tv, etc to criminals who have stolen, killed, raped our citizens, why not just make it illegal for us to fight back altogether.

It would be interesting to hear the point of view of one of these d bag politiicians after they were robbed at gun point or beaten or raped just because. Do you think it would change there tune a little bit on these issues.....o wait that will never happen cause when you walk around with secret service/body gaurds that seems to be a non issue.

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:13 am
by WLJ ... ories.html
Bloomberg Blasts NRA Over 'Stand Your Ground' Laws
ABC NewsBy ABC News | ABC News – 16 hrs ago

ABC News' Ben Forer, Aaron Katersky and Thomas Giusto report:

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg called for the nationwide reform or repeal of Stand Your Ground laws today at an event in Washington D.C. to announce the Second Chance on Shoot First campaign.

The campaign is intended to prevent killings like that of17-year-old Trayvon Martin and Bloomberg blamed the National Rifle Association for the Florida law that many feel empowered George Zimmerman to shoot the unarmed Martin.

"In reality the NRA's leaders weren't interested in public safety. They were interested in promoting a culture where people take the law into their own hands and face no consequences for it. Let's call that by its real name, vigilantism," he said. "The NRA should be ashamed of themselves. This has nothing to do with gun owners rights. It has nothing to do with the second amendment."

Bloomberg, who was joined by civil rights leaders and Florida State Sen. Chris Smith, said the laws had undermined the justice system and have done harm to public safety.
There'll be blood in streets, blood in the streets I tell ya
"They justify civilian gunplay and invite vigilante justice and retribution with disastrous results," he said.

ABC News reached out to the NRA for comment, but it has yet to respond.
Note the use of the term "reached out" and not contacted.
Two dozen states have enacted laws similar to the one in Florida, and while the laws very from state to state most grant varying degrees of immunity to anyone who uses deadly force in self defense.

Bloomberg cited statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to show an increase in justifiable homicides after the Stand Your Ground laws went into effect
Poor criminals are getting shot, boo who. Cry me a river
In Florida, he said, justifiable homicides increased from 12 per year to 36 per year when the five years before and after the passage of the law were compared.

Bloomberg was also joined by former Army Major Jon Soltz, the chairman of Soltz said that U.S. soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan had a higher standard of when to use deadly force than Americans who lived in states with Stand Your Ground laws.
"There is no shoot first law for our troops in Iraq or Afghanistan. We cannot just shoot somebody because they have a hijab on in Iraq and kill them and say we're scared. Everybody in Iraq has a weapon and all U.S. forces are always scared," Soltz said. "This is a legal protection in these states that is actually afforded to Mr. Zimmerman that is not afforded to our troops in combat. Unless I'm wrong I didn't think Florida was a war zone.
Florida is now a war zone, run away run away.

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:17 am
by WLJ
If Martin had killed Zimmerman would Bloomberg even care? Would he be calling for "The Zimmerman Law"?

"The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:24 am
by ssracer
No one outside of Sanford florida would even know about the case


Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:25 am
by WLJ
ssracer wrote:No one outside of Sanford florida would even know about the case
It would be just another unsolved "Man found Dead" case.

"The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:28 am
by ssracer
Hispanic or Latino man found dead....wouldnt be a white- anything if it was the other way arou d

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:30 am
by WLJ
Would Obama be on TV saying "He looks like my son"?

P.S. I already know the answer to that.

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:24 pm
by son of liberty

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:42 pm
by reverend dreed
this whole news attack is a well planned scheme to get out the black vote in November. Undoubtly it will bring out a lot of otherwise uninterested black voters, who will vote obama on race alone.

Is this not being racist? hopefully enough uninterested non blacks will get ot to vote and override this travistity, and the whole racist agenda will backfire on them.

I for one fear there will be blood in the streets all over the country before this is over.

"The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:10 pm
by jackalo626
Being the blood on then. Serious. If you have an issue to fight about then fine but don't fabricate racism into a non related event. Kill whitey.

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:06 pm
by kokopelli
Why don't we just become a 'civilized' society and ban gun ownership by private citizens?
With that law in place, surely there will be no gun crime at all.
-Just like in Australia.

Oh, wait. In Australia, 10 years after they confiscated everyone's guns a study was done and it showed there was a 400% INCREASE in violent crime!


Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:08 pm
by WLJ
kokopelli wrote:Why don't we just become a 'civilized' society and ban gun ownership by private citizens?
With that law in place, surely there will be no gun crime at all.
-Just like in Australia.

Oh, wait. In Australia, 10 years after they confiscated everyone's guns a study was done and it showed there was a 400% INCREASE in violent crime!

There you go again, throwing facts and figures into an emotional argument. Think of the children.

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:09 pm
lock and load.... I wont stand by and watch my house burn to the ground because they riot over shit.......

"The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:09 pm
by jackalo626
Guns kill people...... Gtfo!

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:17 pm
by ssracer
BIGC wrote:lock and load.... I wont stand by and watch my house burn to the ground because they riot over shit.......
go ahead and burn my will be your funeral pyre...

Re: "The Trayvon Martin Law"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:25 pm
by Nolan
Buying more 5.56 tomorrow