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Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 2:44 pm
by Ian ... lp-1904602
A man - believed to be a soldier wearing a Help for Heroes t-shirt - was hacked to death in the street today.

Armed police called to the scene near the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, London, shot and injured two suspects.

Woolwich and Greenwich MP Nick Raynsford said both were in a serious condition in hospital.

One witness, identified as James, said he and his partner saw two black men attack the young man with kitchen knives like he was "a piece of meat".

"They were hacking at this poor guy, literally," he told LBC. "They were hacking at him, chopping him, cutting him.

Fighting back tears, he added: "These two guys were crazed. They were just animals.

"They dragged him from the pavement and dumped his body in the middle of the road and left his body there."

He said that after the "horrendous" attack, the two men, in their 20s, just stood around, waving knives and a gun, even asking people nearby to take pictures of them "as if they wanted to be on TV or something".

"They were oblivious to anything, they were more worried about having their photo taken, running up and down the road," he said.

"They had no intention of running off or leaving or anything.

"In my opinion, they were waiting for the police to arrive to be shot by the police. That's the only thing I can think.

"It's horrendous what they were doing to that guy."

Some "brave" women tried to shield the man on the ground from them, he added.

He also said that it was 20 minutes before armed police arrived at the scene.

"When the armed police came flying around the corner, the man with the beanie hat, the tall guy, he charged at the police vehicle," he said.

"A shot was fired by the other guy with the gun.

"Six shots were fired, both men went down and we now know they are dead as well."

London Air Ambulance confirmed that one patient was airlifted from the scene, while another was taken away by land ambulance.

Mr Raynsford said he had spoken to both borough commander Richard Wood and Lieutenant Colonel Bob Christopher at Woolwich Barracks.

He said: "The incident occurred early afternoon. One individual is dead, two others are seriously injured and in hospital.

"The circumstances causing the incident are not yet clear. It's been suggested it was the product of a road traffic accident, but that's pure speculation.

"I'll be talking to everyone who is involved, we will be trying to do everything possible to try and ensure calm in the area. People will be very, very shocked.

"We think a serving soldier was the victim. We don't know the circumstances surrounding the incident.

"We do know a number of weapons have been seized. They include a gun, various knives, and a machete, apparently.

"The police clearly had to take action in order to try and arrest these individuals."

Cheryl Spruce, who lives near the incident, told Sky News that a nearby school was put into "lockdown".

She said: "The police were telling us to take an alternative route to get to school.

"There were police everywhere. There were 30 to 40 police officers.

"Police officers in each road were stopping people from walking anywhere. It's mayhem out there at the moment."

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Ah yes, please tell me more about how a responsible gun owner could not have stopped this. 20 minutes for armed police to show up... While these maniacs left this guy bleeding in the street as they paraded around begging for their picture to be taken... FUCK LONDON.

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 2:51 pm
by Rem700
But they outlawed guns! How can the criminals still have them? If only a law abiding citizen could have had the means to defend himslef or be defended by another law abiding citizen with a gun.

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 3:30 pm
by scorpionmain
Why dont they mention anything about these guys being muslim?

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 3:59 pm
by scorpionmain
Senior Whitehall sources have told the BBC that the Woolwich attackers are thought to have tried to film their attack whilst shouting "Allahu Akbar" - God is Great, says political editor Nick Robinson.

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 4:01 pm
by scorpionmain
This is the Elephant in the room that the media won't discuss.

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 4:10 pm
by WLJ
Now who needs guns when the police can show up in only 20 minutes?

To take photos of what's left of your body

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 4:15 pm
by jackalo626
Rem700 wrote:But they outlawed guns! How can the criminals still have them? If only a law abiding citizen could have had the means to defend himslef or be defended by another law abiding citizen with a gun.
That proves the story is fake. Guns are not allowed in London.

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 5:07 pm
by 325MOUTguru
Fuck Islam

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 5:21 pm
by dbh
325MOUTguru wrote:Fuck Islam

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 6:18 pm
by Toddstang
325MOUTguru wrote:Fuck Islam
Too bad the Brits will only beg to stop the war against these ass clowns instead of killing them before they kill us.

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 6:36 pm
by Wyldman
Toddstang wrote:
325MOUTguru wrote:Fuck Islam
Too bad the Brits will only beg to stop the war against these ass clowns instead of killing them before they kill us.
Wait! They're not France, they're going to write a stiffly worded letter to the Times, have tea, and then go play fucking cricket.

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 9:01 pm
by justang1997
Heard on the news that the coward ran him over with the car before they got out to hack him up

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 9:46 pm
by Nolan
Toddstang wrote:
325MOUTguru wrote:Fuck Islam
Too bad the Brits will only beg to stop the war against these ass clowns instead of killing them before they kill us.

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 9:47 pm
by Nolan
325MOUTguru wrote:Fuck Islam
Fuck them and maybe they should come here and try to cut us up

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 9:43 am
by ChopperDoc
Wyldman wrote:
Toddstang wrote:
325MOUTguru wrote:Fuck Islam
Too bad the Brits will only beg to stop the war against these ass clowns instead of killing them before they kill us.
Wait! They're not France, they're going to write a stiffly worded letter to the Times, have tea, and then go play fucking cricket.

I will say this is absolutely true of the Parliament and the ruling class. the Brit soldiers are usually top notch and are every bit as concerned about their bureaucracy binding their hands as we are with ours.

Not saying that bureaucracy is not necessary, as I would never want to live under a military dictator, but when the bureaucracy makes you impotent and open to attacks like this, it leaves something to be desired.

Now, as for the killings: What the fuck is with the 50 or so people looking on and not picking up blunt objects and beating these two camel fuckers to death right there? I heard mention of a gun early on but that seems to have dropped out of the news? Did they have a gun or just the cutting tools? And why the fuck did the cops go to the trouble of air lifting these fucks after they shot them? 20 minuted for the police to respond? How about we have a couple ambulances take that same route and get here in 30 minutes or so while these fuckers bleed out?

Also, the "UK Emergency Committee" is meeting today. probably preparing that strongly worded letter over tea. ... in-london/

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 2:16 pm
by ChopperDoc
More to the story - seems these two had been looked at by the police before. ... ed-before/

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 3:04 pm
by Wyldman
And so they were found to be lily white clean and no threat to the populace at large and they let them go. Sound familiar?

Just out for some tea and Skittles and that heinous soldier just threw himself on their blade. 50 or 60 times. Right. Bystanders who will watch something like this happen and do nothing at all to stop it are just guilty as the asshole(s) doing the deed. For shame, you gutless bastards.

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 5:35 pm
by Nolan
Camel fuckers--never gets old

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 5:36 pm
by Nolan
Towel heads--goat fuckers--Ali baba

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 6:08 pm
by Toddstang
Hate that this happened at all, but those rag headed, camel fucking, suicidal, cock suckers know better then to come to the south of the US and pull shit like this! Imagine how many CCW holders would of drawn down on their ass just as soon as this HERO got ran over by these dickless wonders.

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 6:23 pm
by Wyldman
Toddstang wrote:Hate that this happened at all, but those rag headed, camel fucking, suicidal, cock suckers know better then to come to the south of the US and pull shit like this! Imagine how many CCW holders would of drawn down on their ass just as soon as this HERO got ran over by these dickless wonders.

All that would have been left would have been a little toxic cloud of lead vapor.

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 6:29 pm

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:22 pm
by scorpionmain
Take a few minutes and listen to an English patriot, please.

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:26 pm
by scorpionmain
If you have the time, give Tommy a listen, too.

Re: Soldier wearing Help for Heroes shirt hacked to death

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:08 am
They should have shot and killed both of them dirty rotten SOB.