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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by ssracer » Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:44 am

If your kids are experiencing trauma from trump winning you have already failed as a parent

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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by WLJ » Tue Nov 22, 2016 2:22 pm

Attack of the snowflakes ... s-n2247898
Remember when we mocked the Obama administration for wanting American families to talk about Obamacare at Thanksgiving. No one really talks about health insurance during while eating turkey or watching football. Well, it looks like liberals are once again proving that they don’t have the maturity to handle differences of opinion as the holidays draw nearer. Liberals are disinviting their pro-Trump relatives from Thanksgiving and other events. No, I’m dead serious. A bride and her fiancé are moving their planned wedding to Italy to prevent relatives who voted for Trump from coming; some relatives can’t travel that far. Others have endured abuse from siblings and family members via text over the election—and yes, there are those who are simply refusing to sit at the same table with those who voted to Make America Great Again (via NYT):
Matthew Horn, a software engineer from Boulder, Colo., canceled Christmas plans with his family in Texas. Nancy Sundin, a social worker in Spokane, Wash., has called off Thanksgiving with her mother and brother. Ruth Dorancy, a software designer in Chicago, decided to move her wedding so that her fiancé’s grandmother and aunt, strong Trump supporters from Florida, could not attend.


It’s all one big giant contradiction in my eyes,” said Laura Smith, 30, a small-business owner in Massachusetts who was attacked on Facebook by a relative for voting for Mr. Trump. “She’s saying to spread the love,” Ms. Smith said. “But then you’re throwing this feeling of hate toward me, your own family member.”

Many Democrats harbor their own feelings of being under siege.

“It felt like a rejection of everyone who looks like me,” said Ms. Dorancy, 29, a naturalized American who immigrated from Ghana about a decade ago. “It was a message to me that ‘You are not equal in our eyes. You do not deserve a place in our country.’”

So she and her fiancé looked at their guest list and decided to hold their wedding in Italy, a distance too far for the relatives to travel. “I just don’t want them around me on the most important day of my life,” she said.
Yes, there was a story about a liberal professor from Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, who in her words, is viewed as an alien with her extended family due to her education, world travel, and support of Hillary Clinton. Yet, let’s be honest. The overall temper tantrum over Mrs. Clinton’s upset loss is mostly confined to those with progressive views. These people don’t like to feel uncomfortable. They like their ivory towers, the safe bastions that are America’s cities. You seriously can’t eat with a Trump supporting member of your family? There are some members of my family whose views I find absolutely wrong; my parents and I are continents apart on Second Amendment issues. And yes, I’m probably going to be one of the few members of my family who voted for Trump on November 8. But we don’t cancel on each other because we’re not snowflakes. My mom, the die-hard liberal that she is, reinforced diversity of opinion in the household and that decades-long project has paid off. My sister is an Independent (or at least that’s what she tells me), my brother has become more conservative lately, and my dad is a Republican. No one has the majority in the Vespa household, which means two things: a) we accept that we have different views; b) when we do debate, it’s a bloodbath. Still, we don't cancel on each other. I can’t believe that some folks are nuking Thanksgiving plans with family over an election. Is it really that awful? Are liberals that thick, fragile, and wrong? I guess so.
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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by WLJ » Tue Nov 22, 2016 2:22 pm

More at USAtoday

The election is getting people uninvited to Thanksgiving ... /94208524/
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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by WLJ » Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:08 pm

And we have a bumper crop of stupid

GWU students: Campus police protection an ‘act of violence’ — because cops support Trump
‘Placing us in these officers’ care is an act of violence, especially for Black students’

Protesting students at George Washington University say forcing them to be protected by campus police is akin to an “act of violence” — because police officers support Donald Trump.

The students have demanded campus leaders direct money to several diversity programs to rectify the situation, one of several demands lodged with administrators recently as left-leaning students at the private, Washington D.C.-based university reel from Trump’s election.

“The university must re-channel its resources and money to its fundamental requirement: to protect its students,” the demand letter reads. “This safety must not depend on the University’s police. The Fraternal Order of Police, the largest police union in the United States, has formally endorsed President-Elect Donald Trump. The FOP includes over 10,000 members in Washington D.C., many of which have jurisdiction over GW’s campus. Placing us in these officers’ care is an act of violence, especially for Black students.”

In addition to this demand, the students have called for campus leaders to “recognize white supremacy” and create a “sanctuary campus” for students in the country illegally.

“The 2016 presidential election has emboldened the structures of oppression that are embedded in our country at all social, political, and economic levels,” states the demand letter, a copy of which was obtained by The College Fix.

Additional demands include:

The school must always assert itself on the side of students of color
GWU cannot harbor “structural Islamophobia”or interfere with Muslim students’ attire.
GWU must “increase the acceptance of Palestinian international students to prevent their genocide at the hands of Israel”
The school must fund aid and legal assistance for undocumented students and their families, and be a “place of sanctuary” for Muslim students and illegal immigrants
Sexual assault claims must always be believed
Divestment from “unethical corporations” that deal with fossil fuels, private prisons, “colonialism and apartheid in Palestine,” and more
Commitment to leading the country in sustainable fossil fuel adoption and an increase in campus sustainability jobs and outreach
A promise to pay all workers a “living wage”

The demands were lodged Tuesday, Nov. 15, the same day students with left-leaning organizations staged a class walk out.

The protesters, many carrying anti-Trump and anti-capitalist signs stating “Capitalism Must Go” and “Justice for Palestine,” marched around campus and called for support of their demands.

Diego Rebollar, a student at George Washington University who witnessed the protest, told The College Fix that in addition to slandering Trump, his peers called to label Israel a state sponsor of genocide, demanded segregated “black spaces,” and called police officers “violent” and “racist.”

The demands have been endorsed by the school’s Feminist Student Union, Students for Justice in Palestine, Fossil Free GW, the Progressive Student Union, and more.

Ironically, Rebollar said, the same police officers who protesters slandered as “violent” and “racist” were the ones who escorted protesters on their march through the streets of D.C.

“It was those same evil police officers who protected the protesters and made sure their voices could be heard,” he said.
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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by rustynuts » Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:22 pm

The fundamental requirement of a school is to protect its students? Riiiiiight.

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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by Gunsmokin » Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:46 am

The inmates are literally running the asylum.
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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by Rem700 » Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:53 am

rustynuts wrote:The fundamental requirement of a school is to protect its students? Riiiiiight.
Silly me. I though education was the primary goal.

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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by WLJ » Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:53 am

Rem700 wrote:
rustynuts wrote:The fundamental requirement of a school is to protect its students? Riiiiiight.
Silly me. I though education was the primary goal.
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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by WLJ » Thu Nov 24, 2016 10:52 am

Image ... /94071830/
Transformers offer political lessons
Stuart Young, Guest Contributor 9:03 a.m. EST November 24, 2016

Everything I need to know about politics I learned from cartoons — not really, but I’ve adapted Robert Fulgham’s famous phrase about kindergarten. The robotic science fiction franchise Transformers —the 80’s cartoons, not the Michael Bay movies— metaphorically portray the human psyche and modern politics.

The Transformers are divided into two classes: Autobots and Decepticons, both of whom were slaves to a dictatorial regime of overlords. Autobots were designed to build society’s infrastructure; the Decepticons, hard-wired for aggression, comprised the military. Eventually, all transformers united to overthrow their overseers, but victory did not quench the Decepticons’ aggressive, militaristic tendencies; they followed their programming and turned on their peace-loving counterparts.

When the naïve Autobots were on the verge extinction, a “Prime” leader stood up and fought back. But when the Autobots lose their beloved leader, they begin losing again, as they just aren’t innate fighters.

With Democrats, our leaders don’t die in battle but are term-limited — forced to retire when America needs them most. Not once but twice in my short lifetime, I have seen a popular Democratic president turn the keys to the White House over to a figure whose mastery of policy is questionable at best and who lost the popular vote. The Democratic coalition is far more diverse and, therefore, fractured than the Republican’s. Our tapestry can easily be unraveled if a few threads feel ignored or disappointed. The only thing that keeps us together is a leader with tremendous charisma who’s not afraid of a fight.

Hillary Clinton was never a “Prime.” She was like the boring Ultra Magnus—whom Michael Bay didn’t even bother to adapt. Magnus was steady but no leader. He proved incapable of mastering the mystical “matrix of leadership,” a device that held all of the knowledge and secrets of preceding Autobot leaders, insuring future victories. By contrast, the Decepticons have no matrix because they don’t value knowledge.

It’s in the DNA of Republicans to fight, oppose, and resist – even when Obama adopted their proposals. It’s simply not in the DNA of Democrats to fight back in the same way — even when the Republicans use despicable tactics like voter suppression, bigotry and xenophobia. With absolute shock, I watched Bernie Sanders signal his willingness to work with Trump. Democratic leaders are reverting to their old ways: surrender, work with this new George Wallace and pray that the mid-term losses aren’t that bad. “Maybe if we cooperate with Republicans, they’ll give us a legislative crumb or two.” I saw this in 2001 and 2002. How did that work out, Democrats?

Donald Trump rode a wave of bigotry and racism, with authoritarian proposals that would shred the Constitution, and now the media is desperately trying to sanitize our national endorsement of Trump’s horrendous behavior. It’s easier to fault Hillary’s lack of charisma than for us to ask: “Did America just give in to bigotry?”

“Hillary didn’t reach out to white men,” they say. Yes, she did. She put Tim Kaine, a white southerner on her ticket. She bypassed Sen. Elizabeth Warren precisely because of that. “She didn’t listen to the needs of people who feared outsourcing.” Yes, she did. She reversed herself on TPP, and she had numerous policies to help the white working class, including increasing the minimum wage and tackling the opiate crisis.

What she didn’t give in to was anti-immigration hysteria. This election wasn’t just the pendulum swinging in the other direction. It feels like the end of an era – like Reconstruction. It may take decades to undo the harm that Trump might cause for those he deems un-American.

You don’t greet this kind of evil with a smile and a handshake. You oppose it. Legendary civil rights icon, John Lewis, contributed to the Democrats own Matrix of Leadership when he coined the phrase “good trouble.”

Donald Trump must be opposed by any and all non-violent means. And if the old guard of “Ultra Magnuses” can’t accept this, then they need to stand aside—or be pushed aside in a primary, if necessary.

If new senators like Kamala Harris or Tammy Duckworth are willing to fight while others, like Chuck Schumer, cozy up to Trump, I know who I’m supporting in 2020. We don’t need leaders who capitulate. We need someone with a transformational message to move America forward, not back.

Stuart Young is a Louisville native and Harvard lawyer, who works as a public relations and political consultant in London, England. He has previously worked in Parliament and at the BBC.
Last edited by WLJ on Thu Nov 24, 2016 11:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by Wyldman » Thu Nov 24, 2016 10:57 am

That has to be some of the worst bullshit and utter claptrap I have ever been subjected to.

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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by WLJ » Thu Nov 24, 2016 11:02 am

Wyldman wrote:That has to be some of the worst bullshit and utter claptrap I have ever been subjected to.

Crush, kill, mangle, maim, destroy.
You see where he's from at the bottom? Much embarrassment
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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by WLJ » Thu Nov 24, 2016 11:08 am

Article is a shinning example of just how far out of touch with reality some of them are
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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by rustynuts » Thu Nov 24, 2016 11:16 am

I like the line "It may take decades to undo the harm that Trump might cause for those he deems un-American."

Ummm....they are NOT American. They're illegal aliens, residents of another country. So they ARE un-American, not just deemed to be so.

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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by WLJ » Thu Nov 24, 2016 12:16 pm

I'm just glad to keep Hillary's fingers off the SCOTUS
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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by WLJ » Sat Nov 26, 2016 6:27 pm

Want to boycott Trump? There's an app for that.
The butthurt is strong with this one.
The Democratic Coalition Against Trump has created a "Boycott Trump" app that lists various companies that are either connected to Donald Trump (or another member of the Trump family) directly or expressed support for Trump during the election. The app is free and is available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
"Boycott Trump" App Created Listing Companies Connected To Trump Family ... y-n2250833
There are criminals among us who are both homicidal and incorrigible. Their parents took a shot at civilizing them and failed. Their school teachers took a shot at them and failed. The odds are overwhelming that government welfare programs and penal institutions took a shot at them and failed. If it ever becomes your turn to take a shot at them, don’t fail.

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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by Gunsmokin » Sat Nov 26, 2016 6:40 pm

WLJ wrote:Want to boycott Trump? There's an app for that.
The butthurt is strong with this one.
The Democratic Coalition Against Trump has created a "Boycott Trump" app that lists various companies that are either connected to Donald Trump (or another member of the Trump family) directly or expressed support for Trump during the election. The app is free and is available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
"Boycott Trump" App Created Listing Companies Connected To Trump Family ... y-n2250833
People not opposed to Trump, or just think boycotting is stupid, could also use the app to find places to give extra support. Two way street. Idiots.
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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by WLJ » Sat Nov 26, 2016 6:57 pm

From another forum

:lol: ... ic=53312.0
I can't wait to see what the staff reactions are when Trump's and Pence's official portraits start to appear in all federal offices.

Will the diehards magic-marker moustaches on them?

Will they refuse to take down Obama's picture?

Will they put up pictures of Hillary?

Should be around March, if I recall correctly when Obama's portraits were hung.

Terry, 230RN
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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by jackalo626 » Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:22 am

WLJ wrote:Want to boycott Trump? There's an app for that.
The butthurt is strong with this one.
The Democratic Coalition Against Trump has created a "Boycott Trump" app that lists various companies that are either connected to Donald Trump (or another member of the Trump family) directly or expressed support for Trump during the election. The app is free and is available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
"Boycott Trump" App Created Listing Companies Connected To Trump Family ... y-n2250833
Like any of them have money to spend anyways lmao.

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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by jackalo626 » Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:23 am

Gunsmokin wrote:
WLJ wrote:Want to boycott Trump? There's an app for that.
The butthurt is strong with this one.
The Democratic Coalition Against Trump has created a "Boycott Trump" app that lists various companies that are either connected to Donald Trump (or another member of the Trump family) directly or expressed support for Trump during the election. The app is free and is available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
"Boycott Trump" App Created Listing Companies Connected To Trump Family ... y-n2250833
People not opposed to Trump, or just think boycotting is stupid, could also use the app to find places to give extra support. Two way street. Idiots.
You are giving them credit for thinking and that was your first mistake.

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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by Gunsmokin » Sun Nov 27, 2016 12:11 pm

jackalo626 wrote:
Gunsmokin wrote:
WLJ wrote:Want to boycott Trump? There's an app for that.
The butthurt is strong with this one.
The Democratic Coalition Against Trump has created a "Boycott Trump" app that lists various companies that are either connected to Donald Trump (or another member of the Trump family) directly or expressed support for Trump during the election. The app is free and is available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
"Boycott Trump" App Created Listing Companies Connected To Trump Family ... y-n2250833
People not opposed to Trump, or just think boycotting is stupid, could also use the app to find places to give extra support. Two way street. Idiots.
You are giving them credit for thinking and that was your first mistake.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
Good point.
jackalo626 wrote:Skibble dee dibbledy

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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by WLJ » Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:40 pm

I'm confused
They're confused
We're all confused

University’s Women’s Center Cancelled Event Against Rape By Fraternity Because It Was ‘Sexist’ ... as-sexist/
The University of Arizona Women’s Resource Center has cancelled a “Walk A Mile In Her Shoes” march by one of the university fraternities because it thought the event to raise awareness about rape was “sarcastic”, “homophobic, transphobic, and sexist.”

Just like other fraternities at universities around the country, the Upsilon Alpha Chapter of the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity at The University of Arizona (AEPi Arizona) tried to organize a “Walk A Mile In Her Shoes” event – an international march done by men wearing high heels that raises awareness for – and helps prevent – rape, sexual assault and gender violence.

shouts to @totalfratmove for covering the insanity that my house went through this past week" onclick=";return false;

— evan gartner (@iamevangartner) November 23, 2016

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Jack Kaplan, AEPi’s philanthropy chair, contacted the Women’s Resource Center to advise about the planned event, offering to join it. He said that “as an organization” they “genuinely appreciate the efforts that you make and we would like to help your cause.”

See the email below:

But last Tuesday, just four days before the event, Kaplan was contacted by Krista Millay, the director of the Women’s Resource Center. He was referred to as a “Fratboy” and told that “what he was doing was homophobic, transphobic and sexist.” He was also told that the Center thought the event was “sarcastic” and will have “no positive impact on anybody in any community.”

According to a student publication, Total Frat Move, in response to AEPI philanthropy chair’s email Milley also told Arizona’s Greek Life office that he sounded like he was “begging to be thanked”. It was also claimed that his fraternity didn’t care about sexual assault.

Heat Street has approached The University of Arizona Women’s Resource Center for a comment.
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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by Livewire » Mon Nov 28, 2016 9:24 am

Every time I read these things I always have the same thought.

Their parents didn't whip them and they always got a trophy.

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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by WLJ » Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:15 pm

American University (Some) Students Prefer Castro Over Trump, "Made Endless Possibilities for the Cuban People" ... e-n2252387
Some students at American University would prefer Fidel Castro over President-elect Donald Trump and were not afraid to let their voice be heard on at the liberal elite school.

While being interviewed by Campus Reform, none of the students preferred the next President of the United States.

“I mean, right now I don’t think Donald Trump is very good, and I know that Fidel Castro has done some good things for the world so I’d say he’s proven himself at least in the long term to be more favorable,” one student said.

Another student said Castro was a “remarkable leader” and claimed the regime “made possibilities for the Cuban people nearly endless.”
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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by Wyldman » Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:41 pm

WLJ wrote:American University (Some) Students Prefer Castro Over Trump, "Made Endless Possibilities for the Cuban People" ... e-n2252387
Some students at American University would prefer Fidel Castro over President-elect Donald Trump and were not afraid to let their voice be heard on at the liberal elite school.

While being interviewed by Campus Reform, none of the students preferred the next President of the United States.

“I mean, right now I don’t think Donald Trump is very good, and I know that Fidel Castro has done some good things for the world so I’d say he’s proven himself at least in the long term to be more favorable,” one student said.

Another student said Castro was a “remarkable leader” and claimed the regime “made possibilities for the Cuban people nearly endless.”
Are you fucking kidding me? Where do they come up with these clueless morons!?

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Re: At first I thought this came from The Onion

Post by WLJ » Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:19 am

When in doubt push the stupid petal to the floor.
Like watching an implosion in slow motion. ... premacist/
UCLA Students Condemn ‘White Feminism’ as Supremacist

by Tom Ciccotta30 Nov 2016225

The Intergroup Relations Program at UCLA held a dinner with students to address and discuss their concern that feminism has ties to white supremacy.

According to The Daily Bruin, the student newspaper of UCLA, students decried the lack of “intersectionality” in mainstream feminism. For the uninitiated, intersectional feminism is defined by a 1989 textbook incorporating the diverse plight of women across different demographic backgrounds.
The view that women experience oppression in varying configurations and in varying degrees of intensity. Cultural patterns of oppression are not only interrelated, but are bound together and influenced by the intersectional systems of society. Examples of this include race, gender, class, ability, and ethnicity.
The Daily Bruin spoke with several students who attended the event, including Celia Cody-Carrese, an intern with Intergroup Relations Program. She spoke specifically of her concerns that feminism has ties to white supremacy, arguing that the word “feminism” typically conjures up images of white women.
Cody-Carrese said the organizers chose white feminism as the topic of Wednesday’s event because they think feminism has traditional ties with white supremacies. The organizers wanted to give students the opportunity to discuss the topic and break the stigma.

Intergroup Relations leaders discussed how celebrities approach feminism. Some asked the group what the difference was between the empowerment messages in Taylor Swift’s vs. Beyonce’s music.

Some students said they thought Swift’s music does not have the same impact as Beyonce’s because of her privilege, even if her music has messages of empowerment. Conversation later spread into European patriarchy as an instrument of subjugation during the colonial era in world history.
Anna Yeakly, the director of the Intergroup Relations Program explained that white feminism was a topic that was chosen by the students themselves: “White feminism was a topic suggested by the students, based on their interest in discussing the issue of intersectionality that is often left out of conversations about feminism,” Yeakly said.

Cody-Carrese also claims that it’s the group’s intention to create a space on campus where students can discuss overlooked topics. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that Cody-Carrese has any interest in promoting the discussion of conservative and libertarian topics, which are significantly overlooked at progressive west coast universities like UCLA.

Tom Ciccotta is a libertarian who writes about Free Speech and Intellectual Diversity for Breitbart. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta or email him at
There are criminals among us who are both homicidal and incorrigible. Their parents took a shot at civilizing them and failed. Their school teachers took a shot at them and failed. The odds are overwhelming that government welfare programs and penal institutions took a shot at them and failed. If it ever becomes your turn to take a shot at them, don’t fail.

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