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Gay pride month for military

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:26 pm
by ssracer
Wtf...weird double post

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:32 pm
by scorpionmain
An event to recognize gay and lesbian troops.
Could be fun.
I would nominate for recognition a whole bunch of my straight battle buddies for shits & giggles.

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:11 pm
by Shineybore
KYgundude wrote:I fully support gay rights. I don't think we have the right to screw with people's personal preferences. The whole thing is about human rights. I also think holidays celebrating it is a bunch of horseshit. Being gay or black or female or whatever isn't an achievement, It's a fact. The only thing the military needs to celebrate is our vets and the enormous sacrifices they made so that this reply can be in English!
Last I checked, we have a Bill of Rights. All men are created equal.
So gays need special rights? More rights? Better rights? Than all other people?
I don't care what anyone does in their bedroom. Keep the door shut. I guess we should allow beastieality to be legal? Don't want to deny anyone their rights to marry??? How about incest let's make that legal, don't want to deny anyone their rights??? How about pedapholies lets let them marry 10 year olds, don't want to deny anyone their rights??? Where does it stop? Be a good law abiding citizen go to work and contribute to society. We all are created equal, nobody needs special rights.

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:11 pm
by KYgundude
Shineybore wrote:
KYgundude wrote:I fully support gay rights. I don't think we have the right to screw with people's personal preferences. The whole thing is about human rights. I also think holidays celebrating it is a bunch of horseshit. Being gay or black or female or whatever isn't an achievement, It's a fact. The only thing the military needs to celebrate is our vets and the enormous sacrifices they made so that this reply can be in English!
Last I checked, we have a Bill of Rights. All men are created equal.
So gays need special rights? More rights? Better rights? Than all other people?
I don't care what anyone does in their bedroom. Keep the door shut. I guess we should allow beastieality to be legal? Don't want to deny anyone their rights to marry??? How about incest let's make that legal, don't want to deny anyone their rights??? How about pedapholies lets let them marry 10 year olds, don't want to deny anyone their rights??? Where does it stop? Be a good law abiding citizen go to work and contribute to society. We all are created equal, nobody needs special rights.
No. I rather think gays rally for equal rights not special rights. They want to be able to marry each other just as others and they want to be able to die for our freedom just as hetero soldiers do. Doesn't seem too bad to me. There may be more too it. I am not up on the intricacies of it. Only what I read in the news. I just think this country has way more problems than the petty shit we use to hate each other. I'm much more worried about needing to learn to speak Chinese in the next 10 years because they own our country than I am worried that a gay couple might move in next door.

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:15 pm
by Shineybore
KYgundude wrote:
Shineybore wrote:
KYgundude wrote:I fully support gay rights. I don't think we have the right to screw with people's personal preferences. The whole thing is about human rights. I also think holidays celebrating it is a bunch of horseshit. Being gay or black or female or whatever isn't an achievement, It's a fact. The only thing the military needs to celebrate is our vets and the enormous sacrifices they made so that this reply can be in English!
Last I checked, we have a Bill of Rights. All men are created equal.
So gays need special rights? More rights? Better rights? Than all other people?
I don't care what anyone does in their bedroom. Keep the door shut. I guess we should allow beastieality to be legal? Don't want to deny anyone their rights to marry??? How about incest let's make that legal, don't want to deny anyone their rights??? How about pedapholies lets let them marry 10 year olds, don't want to deny anyone their rights??? Where does it stop? Be a good law abiding citizen go to work and contribute to society. We all are created equal, nobody needs special rights.
No. I rather think gays rally for equal rights not special rights. They want to be able to marry each other just as others and they want to be able to die for our freedom just as hetero soldiers do. Doesn't seem too bad to me. There may be more too it. I am not up on the intricacies of it. Only what I read in the news. I just think this country has way more problems than the petty shit we use to hate each other. I'm much more worried about needing to learn to speak Chinese in the next 10 years because they own our country than I am worried that a gay couple might move in next door.
I'm not trying to argue or change your beliefs.
I again have no issues with gays what so ever, I could care less. Love who you want. Life is short. We have laws, rules, and regulations. Again, when does it stop? Should we allow men and women to marry animals? Should we allow cuz to marry his sister? Should we allow 56 year old men to marry 9 year old girls? Seriously when does it end? Some work places insurance allow gays to cover their partner but a man can't get his girlfriend covered on his insurance policy at the same company. Wtf, is that fair?
Your right about the more serious problems in this country, this shouldn't even be an issue.

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:32 pm
by KYgundude
Shineybore wrote:I'm not trying to argue or change your beliefs.
Totally cool man. Unlike another website where I was recently shunned for having my own opinion, KAC is all for folks disagreeing, especially when done respectfully which you have done. Go right ahead and disagree with me all you want. I'm probably wrong more than I'm right anyway LOL.

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:49 pm
by Rem700
I'm in favor of equal rights for all who who are willing to work hard and prosper as a society and a country. You don't deserve a special day, you don't deserve special treatment. Be a good person, work hard, prosper regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation etc. Equal is equal and we don't need special days or months to get us to be equal. We need people to stop thinking they are special because of something that is just a fact about them.

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:07 pm
by KYgundude
Well written post Coach!

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:22 am
by rocksglocks
Gay pride month?
Always thought that was called fleet week......Just teasing
Don't care who they are attracted to, it's the choice they make so let em be happy. Just quit with everyone needing I'm special look at me moments. We used to have real parades and look at me moments for the whole country , ya know 4 th of July, or when troops came back from deployment.
Just my 2cents

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:53 am
by guncrank1
Opposed to gay marriage/gay rights on religious grounds.
You see I do mix religion and politics :llama:
If that is knee jerk, oops sorry knee moved :llama:

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:58 am
by rocksglocks
I totally understand. I know as a Christian I am going to have my own sins to answer for, they will have theirs. I just try and remember before God we are all sinners, and live best I can each day not to let my heart be filled with hate. It's hard for me at times, as I was brought up in different belief structure. Still don't think they should get special treatment! All our servicemen and women are in deservance of recognition.

Gay pride month for military

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:59 pm
by justang1997
On topic: I don't like any "pride months" for any group.

Off topic: 3 islands. One full of lesbians, one full of gay men and another full of strait men and women. Which one will still be inhabited and potentially thriving in 100 years?

Take religion out of the picture. Homosexuality doesn't provide the basics for life to continue. Does it hurt anyone else: no but it hurts the group as a whole. While it may not be self destructive, it won't do anything positive for society. It just is. Not bad not good.

Gays have a right to be gay and sleep with whoever. Just like smokers have a right to be smokers. Does them no good except for its what they want to do.

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:33 pm
by KYgundude
Off topic: 3 islands. One full of lesbians, one full of gay men and another full of strait men and women. Which one will still be inhabited and potentially thriving in 100 years?
I'll be chillin on the lezbo island. Hopefully will get a chance to repopulate the species.

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:37 pm
by WLJ

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:21 am
by Frailer
justang1997 wrote:...Take religion out of the picture. Homosexuality doesn't provide the basics for life to continue. Does it hurt anyone else: no but it hurts the group as a whole. While it may not be self destructive, it won't do anything positive for society...
Sure it will. The world's overpopulated, you know.

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:49 am
by burn360
I pooped my pants!

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:46 pm
by Lio
justang1997 wrote:On topic: I don't like any "pride months" for any group.

Off topic: 3 islands. One full of lesbians, one full of gay men and another full of strait men and women. Which one will still be inhabited and potentially thriving in 100 years?

Take religion out of the picture. Homosexuality doesn't provide the basics for life to continue. Does it hurt anyone else: no but it hurts the group as a whole. While it may not be self destructive, it won't do anything positive for society. It just is. Not bad not good.

Gays have a right to be gay and sleep with whoever. Just like smokers have a right to be smokers. Does them no good except for its what they want to do.
Are you serious? First of all, the world is not separated into three neat and segragated "islands" as you put it so we would never have to worry about the human race dying out because some ppl choose to have non reproductive sex. Second of all, you seem to be saying that sex should only be done for reproduction not for pleasure? I don't get that point of view at all but I guess you're cool with not getting bj's or any other kind of sex that doesn't include creating life? Whatever floats your boat I guess?

And as for your saying that "it doesn't do any good for society"; you dont think society is better off when ppl are FREE to pursue their own relationships without discrimination? And, are you really pretentious enough to say that it does "them (gays) no good" to pursue homosexual relationships? How does it exactly do them "no good"?

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:19 pm
by scorpionmain

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:27 pm
by Ironsights
I dont expect anyone to read this but this is a blogpost from Pastor at my church. Really good i think and sums up nicely what i think about it all but just didnt have the ability to word it here. ... -marriage/

Gay pride month for military

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:23 am
by justang1997
I'm glad you were able to deduce that I fight off blowjobs like the plague.

You mean the world isn't really seperated into neat little islands? Next thing you will tell me is that is isn't flat either.

I'm glad you didn't misinterpret my post to mean that homosexuality isn't normal behavior because on a basic level it doesn't do anything to prolong the existence of the species.

I'm glad you can see I am so concerned about humans dying out and becoming extinct due to non reproductive sex. Sign my dwindling human population awareness petition at

Gay pride month for military

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:32 am
by justang1997
Lio wrote:
justang1997 wrote:On topic: I don't like any "pride months" for any group.

Off topic: 3 islands. One full of lesbians, one full of gay men and another full of strait men and women. Which one will still be inhabited and potentially thriving in 100 years?

Take religion out of the picture. Homosexuality doesn't provide the basics for life to continue. Does it hurt anyone else: no but it hurts the group as a whole. While it may not be self destructive, it won't do anything positive for society. It just is. Not bad not good.

Gays have a right to be gay and sleep with whoever. Just like smokers have a right to be smokers. Does them no good except for its what they want to do.
And as for your saying that "it doesn't do any good for society"; you dont think society is better off when ppl are FREE to pursue their own relationships without discrimination? And, are you really pretentious enough to say that it does "them (gays) no good" to pursue homosexual relationships? How does it exactly do them "no good"?
Ok how am I promoting discrimination by disagreeing with the homosexual lifestyle? I never once said anything about not allowing them to have their own relationships.
The homosexual relationship will do them no good exactly when they die and meet their maker.

Gay pride month for military

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:45 am
by ssracer
As for being against homosexuality on religious grounds, I get that as I am Catholic. But at the same time, this is the same religion that used to believe the earth was the center of the universe and would condemn anyone who tried to prove otherwise.

Gay pride month for military

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:51 am
by justang1997
Not the religion, but the men interpreting that religion.

Re: Gay pride month for military

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:57 am
by DDgunslinger

End of thread seger

Gay pride month for military

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:03 am
by jackalo626
This thread is gay.